Hospital madness

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When Johnston called me in the room with her parents I already thought she was nuts. She simply had to be. And than she started talking.
"If you two don't recognise him he is my boyfriend. Alex Delarge. He is also a guy who hit people on the street and every ramdom blocke know our names and they fear us. He is also the guy who was arrest and brain washed last year. Oh and we've been sleeping togheter. Even in our house and the two of you didn't notice it. So you may think twice when you say that you are good parents again. Ah there is one thing I left out. There is a guy called Tyler that almost rapped me once, but he couldn't because I didn't let him, who I hate and am almost in war with."
Both of her parents couldn't say a word. I was already waiting for them to explode when her dad started walking towards her and lift his hand to hit her. I through meself foward and was preparing for a fight. I would defend me girlfriend even if that meant hitting her father. However she grabbed his arm as it was going down and made no with her head to me.
"I am strong. You two might not know it but I am really strong and I can take the both of you down. And if I fall that guy over there."
She signed with her head to me.
"He is going to avenge me. Because we are in love and would do anything for each other."
That is when her mother broke.
"Rebecca Johnston how could you do this to yourself?! How could you do this to us?! You are a shame to this family! Haven't we teached you well?! I knew you were different when you decided to paint your hair purple and white! You think you can simply go off on the streets and hit people and there will be no consequences! Or you think you can just go around having sex with people and that won't affect you?! You might have gotten pregnant have you thought of that?! Or arrested! You could have gotten killed!"
"Well mom my darling, I have been doing this for a few month and I am not dead or preagnant. I know how to survive on the streets, people fear me out there!"
"That is no excuse! You made a tatoo that could have hurt you!"
I see she told them about the tatoo as well.
"Oh I can't stand being here anymore! Come darling I need to calm myself."
Her mom stormed off the room. Johnston kept holding her fathers arm. She let it go and the man also stormed off the room.
"You are insane you know?"
She laughed. She had a big smile on her face. And my dear brothers seeing that girl smiling was what always made me smile.
"I know Delarge and you are the best boyfriend in the world."
"Why are you so cheerful? You should be crying!"
"Delarge I never felt so free. They can't cage me or hurt me anymore. I am invincible now."
"Your parents are nuts. When me parents found out what I did they cried over it."
"You were also taken to jail when that happened so I don't blame them."
I laughed. I couldn't be sad or afraid of what her parents might do to her. She was so happy I could just be happy as well my dear and only friends.
"You can go now Delarge. I'll be okay. And do me a favor and don't be mad at your droogs? They can't possibly know how much they helped me."
I turned to go away when she grabbed me arm and pulled me towards her. I fell on the hospital bed and kissed her soft, small lips.
"I'll see you tonight okay?"
I left the hospital as happy as I could be.

At night I was waiting at me house for Johnston to appear at me door. The bell rang and I jumped from the couch.
"Don't bother mom! I am taking it!"
I ran to open the door, however, what your humble narrator saw was really different from what he expected. I saw Johnston crying at me door step. I got out and closed the door behind me.
"What happened?"
"Delarge they are sending me to the army."
All the happiness was drained from me body.
"Me parents. They are listing me as a soldier to the world war."
"No, but... They can't do that!"
"They can. I am going, I can't stop them. No one can. They think it will make me good after all I did."
I, surprisingly, started crying meself. I hugged her and cried on her pretty purple hair. I passed my hand through it to find the one black piece of hair she had. I didn't tell you but one day we both decided we should have a mark for ourselves so the both of us painted one piece of hair black. Both of our piece were hidden behind all the hair. It was somthing only we shared.
I got infront of her and looked her deep in her preety crystal eyes.
"Look at me, Johnston. We are not over. You are going to come back and we are going to be togheter. You will go through all this and when you come back in a car or a plane I will be there waiting to grab you in me arms again. We are not over yet."
She nodded sadly. I hugged her, grabbed her bags and took her inside. We laied on the bed just talking all night.
"Why don't you run away? Stay here."
"Me parents would find me."
"Why don't we go somewhere else then?"
"We would never survive out there without money."
She was right. I had me arm around her. Her eyes poped because she cried. Next morning would be a different day. Even if it was going to be worst you can't make it not come.

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