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The next morning I wake up before Delarge. I got out of the bed and started changing in the uniform I would be using for a long time. When I was only with me underwear, I could feel him moving.

"I never noticed those scars on your back."

I looked at me back and saw the scars I had grown used to.

"Oh yes. When Tyler tried to rape me lets say the floor was exactly a good one."

"He made this to you?"


"No wonder you hate the fellow."

"Oh don't only blame him. That time you broke a chair on me back only left one of this."

"Why do you still date me?"

I gigled, but the grim fastly got out of me face. I got in the uniform and Delarge put on some clothes.

"You still hot and beautiful in this uniform."

I smiled and he kissed me. I didn't want to miss those lips. I didn't want to miss the hotness of his skin touching mine. I didn't want to miss that perfect smile that became even more perfect at night. I didn't want to miss the boy with a bow hat and falsies. I didn't want to be away from him.

We left his house and went to the place I was supposed to show for the army. I had my bag and Delarge with me. Getting there I saw the people I used to call my parents some space away from us. Delarge saw them as well, he hugged me tight when he did. They stayed behind as we went towards some cars that would take me to base. I stayed with Delarge until I had to go or they would grab me and throw me on the car. I had tears in my eyes and he also had in his. I kissed him storngly and left. When I was getting to the cars and turned back. I saw Delarge with his piece of black hair in his hands. I grabbed mine and showed him. He smiled. He waved goodbye to me and mouthed "I love you". I blew him a kiss and mouthed "I'll find you". And I will. It doesn't matter that a soldier is pulling me into a car to somewhere I might never come back from. I am going to see Delarge again. I am going to.

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