Old names and old faces

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"So how do I look?"
Johnston turned in front of me in an extremely short and yet normal dress.
"Beautifully ordinary."
It was pink with long sleeves and some pattern on it. Her hair was loose, it was still short but she dyed it purple again. She did look incredebly stunning. Her make-up was light exept for her red lips and the failed attempt to cover her scar.
I got up for the table and walked over to her. She bat her eyes at me as I got closer. My fingers softly brush against her face where the scar was.
"Why are you covering it?"
"It's a nasty ass scar and I don't want people to see it."
"Your war friends will be there. They know you have it. Your old friends used to see you drawing one almost on the same place. They are all used to it."
She just closed her eyes, looked down and breathed deeply.
"You used to draw a fake one, Johnston! I fell in love with that fake scar! It gave you charm! It looked stunning! If it looked pretty then why doesn't it look pretty now?"
"Because then I was beating people up, now I'm pretending to be normal."
I chuckled as I lifted her head up.
"We aren't normal. That's boring. We are special and extraordinary. We are real horror-show the both of us."
She opened up a smile. Oh, my dear brothers, how I love that smile. Her fingers brushed against my shirt.
"You look handsome too, Delarge."
I kissed her and grabbed her hand.
"Come on. We'll be late."
We left the apartment and went walking. We were making our wedding plans and it was about time she chose her bride's mades. So we arrenged a night out with everyone she wanted to invite. We even looked normal.
We went walking to the pub we were supposed to meet. We always did that. There was something fascinating about the London streets that I couldn't quite put my finger on and yet I loved to witness it. Walking on the streets was one of the great pleasures of my life. I think it also became one of her's.
So there we went. Two lonly souls who found each other. Walking upon the London streets with no fear in their hearts. Of course, it was incredebly dangerous to walk at night but that was one of the many perks of being Alexander Delarge and Rebecca Johnston: legends don't die and legends aren't killed. We were respected by the children of the night, my dear and only friends, and because of that they would let us pass without a single struggle. The people who didn't, deeply regreted it.
As we were getting closer to the pub we saw two shadows moving towards us. The shadows got closer and closer until they were right in front of us.
"Tyler? Tyler Pattison is that really you?"
Johnston said in absolute shock. My dear brothers, I was also surprise at the sight. Tyler looked incredebly... normal. He was holding hands with a lovely girl that had long blonde hair. They both seemed so happy.
"Alex Delarge and Rebecca Johnston! Looks like the midnight couple got a happly ever after, after all!"
He quickly turned to the girl and smiled signing towards us.
"Lady, this is Alex and Rebecca, a couple of old frienemies of mine."
The girl, who was aparently called Lady, smiled and shook both our hands.
"So what have you been up to?"
I asked him, still quiet surprised by this whole situation. It wasn't everyday that you got to see old night fighters leading ordinary lives.
"Nothing much. I got my life straight, you know, after the war and all. I'm going to college and gonna get a degree on quimestry. I work on a drug store now a days. Met this lovely fella." He said touching the girl's nose. "And being extremely ordinary. As if I had never been 17 years old. I would say that is quiet a shock but look at you two! Never thought you would get a proper life! Especially together! I was wrong, wasn't I?!"
"Yeah, we are getting by quiet well. Even gonna get married." Rebecca answered looking at me with a big smile on her face.
I kissed her softly and smiled too.
"You should attend our wedding, Tyler. It will be great. Old times sake, what do you say?" I said turing to Tyler and Lady.
"Yeah mate, sure wouldn't miss that for the world!" He answered shaking my hand. "Look, here is my card." Tyler said reaching for his pocket. "Give me a call and I'll give you the adress."
"Thanks, Tyler. Will be great to have you there." Johnston said getting the card.
We both said our fair wells and kept walking. When they were a bit further away from us, Johnston turned to me laughing.
"Look at this. Tyler Pattinson, master at quimestry. Looks so formal! Bet someone who met him today wouldn't even believe he tried to rape me."
"Johnston are you okay with us inviting him?"
"Yeah sure! Great to see old faces again."
We walked a little more in silence while Johnston kept looking astonished at the card.
"Unbeliveble. What happened to us, Delarge?"
"I think we grew up."
"I don't feel more mature. I'm still that same scared girl who beat others up to feel good about herself."
"And I love you just the same. I mean, I'm still the real-horror show fella that beat people up and commited murder. Twice."

Writer's note:
Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to launch this chapter!! Hope you enjoy it though!

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