Keeping the old habbits

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My dear brothers you may think that I had forget my way and that I didn't go out and enjoy the ultra-violence. My friends I had only forgotten to tell you such tails and that is why I am telling you this one now.
Me and Johnston were walking down the street when Tyler Pattison and his gang stopped in front of us. I, myself, never had a fight against this Tyler. We already crossed ways and left each other to our buissness. He was a respected one and he seemed to have some kind of disagreement with me girlfriend.
"Well, well, well what do we have here? The couple whose name has been on the streets. You are some bloody scaring double to make the most badasses shit their pants and run away."
He had black hair and dark brown eyes. He was really tall and had a confident smile on his face.
"I guess we are worst than"
Johnston was also really confident. The way the stared each other, was bloody wierd. As if they had nothing to hide from each other and could battle until their bodies grew tired of it but their souls still desired to keep going.
"Well what are you still doing here?"
I had never seen her this way, so fierce. Well maybe once when she came to my house after I murdered her friend. Gosh we were some bloody wierd couple.
"I am not afriad. I seen you before Johnston, in worst shapes and better dressed."
He gave me a sassy look as if he had something up his sleeve I wasn't prepared for.
"And by better clothes I mean none."
That broke her. She lost the confident smile. That was enough. I swang my cut-throught bravita, hitting the Tyler-bloke on the head and making him fall quickly to the floor. His droogs came up to us as we all entered in a haphazard fight that lead three man to the floor and the two of us standing. Johnston walked up to Tyler that was bleeding on the floor and nailed next to him.
"Next time you think about talking to me that way, think again."
"Not bad Johnston. Not bad at all."
She got up, kicked his stomack and walked away. I went after her. A bit mad I must addmit, my dear brothers. She lied to me. Why would she do that? And why wouldn't she tell me about this Tyler-bloke? She stopped on the street corner and turned to me. I opened my mouth to speek but she interfeared kissing me. After the kiss she looked at me and said
"I'm sorry"
"Why did you lie to me?"
"I didn't lie to you. Every word I said was the most pure truth."
"Oh the most pure truth? How come you had sex with this Tyler?"
"I didn't. He tried to rape me, but I cut his throught and he couldn't do it."
She was telling the truth. The Tyler-bloke really had a nasty scar on his neck that could have been because of a knife.
"I'm sorry. I guess I was just afraid I wasn't that important to you."
I really was. I seem like such a fool saying that. But I was a fool. She made me a fool. And that was okay since I was her fool.
"Don't ever doubt how important you are Delarge. Ever."
She put on a small, shy smile.
"I love you."
And after finishing the sentence that was music to me ears she kissed me. We stayed like that until we heard a woman screem we both presumed was a lady that saw the three man bleeding on the sidewalk and ran away.

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