Once the war is done

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You know, my dear brothers, I thought about Johnston a lot back in the war days. One night I even caught myself wandering about one of the days we both met and our droogs still didn't know we were dating.
We were strolling through the roads of London looking for an opportunity to pop up and make us get a little bit of the old ultra-violence when I heard the voice calling my name like an actual angle that came down from heavens just for my delight.
"Alexander DeLarge! To what do I owe the pleasure?"
I turned with my common smile and there she was. Droogs around her and full battle armory. Her purple hair perfect as always.
"Hi hi hi there little droogie. How are you in this fine evening?"
Her smile emerged as always to complete the absolute look of horror, that tempted me to got there grab her by the rip and kiss her senseless.
"Don't seem so happy to see me, Delarge. You won't have that much pleasure in just a while."
"Won't I? I think you can give me all the pleasure I desire."
"Over my dead corpse." I could se she was trying to hold her laughter. I wasn't aware that she was already dead.
"One day I'll still convince you that I'm rather charming. After all, hottest bravoska around only fair be with the hottest bloke."
"How modest. And you still want me to think you are charming?"
"Think what you may. It's not like I want your approval. Done it many times without other's."
"You know you simply can't take me down right?"
"Oh can't I?"
"Haven't you already tried many many times and guess what?! Still have that little v thing we talked about." Liar.
I walked forward and so did she until we met in the middle.
"So Delarge what me to avoid you pain or you're into that sort of thing right now?" She whispered so only me and her could hear.
"I'm always turned on by your scars, I don't think you could give me any though." I said and laughed. She smiled and hit me as hard as she could her bravita. The war started. The sirens rang as they sometimes did and we ran away. My Johnston still wasn't on the ground. We met later that night on her place as always.
Now I was left wandering: was she still up now? Or had she finally fallen?

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