You pay for what you've done

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That morning I entred in the dinning room and there was a huge silence filling the room. I sat down on my usual place and my father slided the morning paper through the table. His expresion was sad and worried. In the front of the paper was in huge capital letters: ULTRA-VIOLENCE KILLS EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD. My first though was "shit they know". What had I done wrong? Did I forget to hide my stuff? Did they see me getting in the house dressed up like that? Did I let my tatoo show? But then, my dad got up, walked to me, put his hand in my shoulder and said

"Isn't that Scarlett?"

I looked at the picture in the cover and saw the picture of one of my best frineds, thrown on the floor. Dead. The tears started falling from my eyes as I read more of the news. They invaded her house yesterday night. The nighboors saw four young mans leaving the house. One of them left earlier, they couldn't see his face but they knew he was tall, had a bow hat and something like a stick im his hands.


"Did you say something, honey?"

My mom got my hand, she was also worried as I could see. I took my hand away.

"No mom. Is just she was my friend! I can't belive something like this happened to her. I need to go."

My mom tried to reach me but my dad stopped her.

"Honey if you don't want to come with us to you cousins house we will understand!"

Today was Saturday, that's better.

"Thanks mom I would apreciate to be alone today."

I climbed up the stairs and locked myself in my room.

When I heard my parents locking the door, I put a red shirt that had a v-collar and let part of my belly show. I also put a small pink shorts. Drew the scar on my face. Put an all-star on and left.

Delarge would pay for this. Oh yes he would.

I went to the place I thought I would see him. The spot I always passed from school and saw him yesterday. Getting there I saw a man walking towards the apartment block where Alex came from that day.

"Excuse me sir"

"What is it miss?"

"Could you kindly show me where the Delarge family lives?"

"Sure just follow me. Oh and if you are looking for Alex because of that scar you don't need to waste your time, he won't do anything about it"

"He will be the one scared"

We got to the door of an old apartment. I thanked the kind man and rang the bell.

An old lady with colorful hair opened the door and looked at me a bit wierd.

"How may I help you?"

"Does Alex Delarge lives here?"


"Can I talk to him please, good ma'am?"

"Sure I'll call him."

I couldn't think what is was going to do but he was going to remember that day. After all no one fucks with my droogs.

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