My new boyfriend

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I couldn't belive what was happening I was so happy I could barely hide it from everyone. My friends noticed that I was acting different. They said I was looking a lot happier. However they couldn't know. They wouldn't forgive me. He still had murdered Scarlett. I felt a bit guilty, but than thought she would want this. She would want me to be happy. That sounds really cliche but is nothing but the truth. Delarge also didn't tell his droogs. I guess it was better this way. We met again with our droogs and acted like we hated each other. I hoped they didn't noticed. We always came back to my place and he left in the morning. Until one night he said he wanted to take me to his house.


We walked all the way laughing and talking on the street. Who saw us back then wouldn't even feel that scared. Of course we would hit some people's asses. After all ultra-violence was what brought us togheter.

"May I just ask why do you want to bring me here?"

"I want them to see you"

I didn't get it at first but than I understood he was talking about his parents.

"I want them to see I did something right. I finally did something right."

We stopped. I held his hand and looked deep in his eyes. There was a deep saddness in them.

"Aren't you scared?"

He laughed quietly and looked deep in my eyes as well. His eyes were of a perfect blue. His eyes showed kindness to me different from everything else.

"I might be. However I think we should enjoy the today because..."

He stopped and came closer. The fake eyelashes that once gave me shivers were now atractive making his eyes seem deeper. The one gesture of him reaching for my hand that would have made me fall of my feet one day, now got me warm and made me want to hug him and just stay like that forever.

"Because it will be much brighter than tomorrow"

He leaned on and kissed me. We continued walking. Now quietly but holding hands. He was taller than I was and even though he was two years older he looked my age. We got his house and just layed on his bed silently. His room was quiet wide. He had a mirror as big as mine. His walls were all white with nothing on them.

"Your walls are sad"

He laughed and looked at me.

"What? Want to draw on them?"

"I do"

I got up amd grabbed a pencil that was forgotten on his table. I moved quickly to one of the walls. I tought for some seconds and than started drawing him and his droogs just like I had in my bedroom but bigger. I moved to another wall and drew only a bow hat and big eyelashes, only in one side. After I was done, I finally moved to the main wall and drawed two silluets.

The first one was taller than the other. It was wearing a bow hat and big eyelashes. It also had some kick-ass boots on. The other one was smaller. It had long hair that I couldn't color and a scar on it's face. It was wearing a shirt that was cut and small shorts. It also had a coverse boot on.

I finished and looked at him. He had a small smile on his face.



He got up and came closer. He was only wearing his boxer so I could see his abs. I am not going to lie he was hot. He put his hands around my hips and came even closer.

"I love you"

I was a bit shocked. I didn't really belive he had just said that.

"I never thought I would say that to someone, but I can say it to you. I love you Johnston. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side and I can't imagine myself without you."

I couldn't resist to let a cheecky smile show.

"I love you too Delarge. You are the person I want to die by the side."

We kissed and stayed like that. I was the happiest person on earth at that moment.

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