War is coming

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Johnston hit me door with fire in her eyes, my dear brothers. She was definetly up to something. Something just like the World War that was about to hit us.
"It's Tyler. That son of a bitch will pay."
"Calm down! Will pay for what? What did he do? As far as I remember we knocked him and all his droogs out."
"He told them"
"Told what to whom?"
"He told that we are dating to me droogs and banged one of them"
She had all the right to go mental. That was something hard to take. I guess.
"Okay then. What is your plan Johnston?"
She looked confused.
"Plan?! Hello are you there Delarge? You talking about plans! Go there and beat the shit out of those people"
I laughed. Silly her. It was just like the World War coming Britain had to plan something before bombing Spain.
"What about this we first call me droogs and then we go and show them a bit of the old ultra-violence. How does that sound?"
"Your droogs? Why don't we call me droogs?"
"Because after what Tyler told 'em I don't guess they are pretty happy with you"
She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.
"You're right. I am going bloody mental."
"Look just do as I say and you will see, it will be real horror show."

We went directly to the Korova Milkbar to meet my droogs. I can't say they were exactly happy to see Johnston and I togheter, but agreed to help. That were me droogs after all, violence was violence and fun was fun. We walked togheter to meet Tyler's droogs. As we aproached the place where Johnston said they would be. And there they were waiting just as if we were expected.
"Well well well don't you look like a happy family? Who sees you passing wouldn't even think they"
He pointed at all me droogs.
"Hate your guts Johnston! Who would think of that"
She was walking towards him angryly. She was a fine piece I must admit. Those clothes she wore for show were spectacular. She was definetly the hotest girl I ever been with.
"You disgust me"
After saying it she spitted at his feet. They were really close. She was smaller them him. You could really see the diference. But my brothers her speech left no diference at all.
"After all you did to me. You still have to take me droogs. You little piece of bloody shit."
He laughed and put his arm around her waist tight. I tried to come closer but she waved for me to stay away.
"Your droogs are the easiest way to get you. And I guess that worked out as it should have."
"You won't ever have her brother. She is mine."
My dear and only friends, I couldn't take his talking anymore. Not about me Johnston, and not about meself. He just laughed again.
"Alex, Alex, Alex! It worked out just fine can't you see? This slut is mine now."
Johnston gave the first strike with her cut-throught bravita and the fight was on. We were in big number and brothers I felt just as if I was out there in the fields. Just as if I was in that World War that was now coming.

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