Johnston and her gang

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We kept walking on the streets, looking for targets of our desirement, when we saw four figures aproching us.

My droogs laughed as they recognised the figures and I didn't. My dear friends I didn't know how that figure would make me life take so twists and turns.

"Well well well, what do we have here? The famous so called Alex Delarge!"

The girl that spoke was a thin, small girl, with purple hair and only the points were white. She was wearing a really small shorts, Converse boots and a shirt that had only one arm and was like a wave, so that you could see part of her stomack. On the shoulder she was showing was a tatoo I couldn't read what was written. She was very sexy I had to addmit. Her big blue eyes were contagiuos, and she had a scar on her face tha started on the middle of her forhead, passed through her left eye and ended in the middle of her cheeck. She was also carring a cut throught bravita and seemed to be the lider of the group. The other girls were really pretty as well but no one got even close to the girl in the front.

"What are you doing here Johnston? Humping dogs?"

"Bully twist your lips to talk to such a fine lady. What a hot piece of human being! Could I know why you and my fellow droogs have an uneasy time togheter?"

She gave a little cheecky evil smile. Oh my dear brothers I spoke like that, because as you know your humble narrator is a direct person. My instincts were coming up and all I wanted to do was to knock her down right there amd taste the savege in-out-in-out love right there in the cold ground.

"Ask them, brother and you shall know why"

I turned to mu droogs. They were all a bit uneasy, I guessed was by her presence.

"Something you forgot to tell me? Anyone? Any remarkable love?"


The girl spoke with a bit of surprise as the others gigled.

"The three of them could barely take me to the ground! How would they manage to make me have sex with them?!"

A natural smile came to my face.

"Oh I see she is a hard one."

"Rebecca Johnston. She is the lider of their group and being fighting us for the weeks you were out."

Ricky murmured. They were all a bit ashamed I don't really know if it was because they didn't make sweet love to her yet of if it was because they must have been defeted by four girls.

"Wanna fight them little girl?"

"What did you just call me?"

"Oh you don't like to be a little girl do you?"

"I can take you down easier than a person can drink water."

"Prove. It."

Then it began brothers. Four against four, however as they were women it was easier. The Johnston chick was really a hardcore, she was still up and still when the sirenes rang and we had to run as fast as we could.

Rebecca Johnston. Johnston. I liked that chick.

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