Where am I?

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I woke up with some heavy headache and in a really unconfortable bed. I kind of remembered what happened last night. When I finnaly open my eyes I clearly see the last thing I needed that moment. Me parents.
"Well hello, mom and dad."
"Rebecca we need to talk."
Shit. Okay just deny everything. Mom was the one who said it. The both of them looked serious.
"The good cops who brought you here they talked to us."
Mom sounded hurt. Broken hearted maybe.
"And they said you were wearing this when they found you."
Dad had me show closes on his hands. The whole bloody lot. Blouse with only one sleeve and showing me body, the extremily short shorts and the converse boots that were the only thing covering me legs.
"Rebecca we thought we had teached you better!"
Mom was almost crying. Almost.
"We always cared so much about you! I don't know how we let this pass! We are always keeping an eye on you!"
That was the thing that hit me. Always by me side? They hardly know the place I go to school! Oh this two needed some reality shoved on their faces.
"The clothes? That is all you found?"
"Well yes, and it is pretty bad."
I laughed. How could I not. Mom was acting like she knew everything about me.
"Why do you need to tell us anything else?"
Dad was trying to put fear on me. However, he couldn't say anything that wouldn't make him pathetic.
"You two don't have a clue about who I am! You don't give a damn about me! Yes I have a lot of things to tell you. First, I go out every night after you two go to sleep, with my school friends, that is Jennifer, Tiana and Scarlett when she was living and kick some people's asses. That cane right there."
I pointed to my bravita that was by a wall in the corner of the room.
"It is mine as well, I usually hit people with that. Oh did I say that I also have a tattoo?"
I pulled down the sleeve of the hospital clothes and let my tattoo show. In that moment I saw Delarge apeared in the corner of the room, fully armed, bow hat, falsies, white clothes and all. The moment he saw my parents he walked back to the door and walked away.
"You can come in Delarge!"
I screamed and he opened the door again. He came in the room and my parents looked at him in shock.
"If you two don't recognise him he is my boyfriend. Alex Delarge. He is also a guy who hit people on the street and every ramdom blocke know our names and they fear us. He is also the guy who was arrest and brain washed last year. Oh and we've been sleeping togheter. Even in our house and the two of you didn't notice it. So you may think twice when you say that you are good parents again. Ah there is one thing I left out. There is a guy called Tyler that almost rapped me once, but he couldn't because I didn't let him, who I hate and am almost in war with."
They were both speechless.

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