Chapter Two

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The rain hadn't extinguished the heat thrumming through my body. Dr. Keene had ignited an inferno within me. Throughout the entire walk, I thought about him. My cheeks hurt from smiling broadly. Many questions flitted through my mind. Did he have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? Was he always so serious? My superpower was easily breaking the ice and making a connection with the most stoic of people. I'd often been told that I had a way of putting strangers at ease.

But I had no such power over Dr. Keene.

I shook away all romantic notions, reminding myself that I was a patient and he was my doctor. Yet, I never intended to return to his practice. Not because of my fear of medical professionals, but to refrain from fantasizing and becoming infatuated with someone who was out of my league. Lustful thoughts and feelings crossed a professional line. I had to let the feelings pass. And return to reality.

A flirtation—or sexual contact—was highly inappropriate.

Once I entered the large glass doors of Duration, I said hello to Curtis at the front desk. He gave me the key to the Sales office. After settling in, I prepared membership folders for the day's scheduled tours and sales pitches.

A knock on the door interrupted my work. Paul stood at the threshold, flexing his massive muscles under his tight Duration t-shirt. He had asked me out many times, but I had declined each time, stating I never dated co-workers. The truth of the matter was I wasn't attracted to Paul. He was too short, too blond. Worst of all, he had a wandering eye. I was convinced he did much more than train his clients.

I had a type—tall, tan, and handsome. Like Dr. Keene. Surprised that I thought of him again, I cleared him from my mind and placed my attention on Paul, giving him a smile.

"How did your appointment go?" he asked, then chewed his gum vigorously as he scanned down to my cleavage.

"Oh, you remembered," I said as I adjusted my blouse. "It went well. He recommended PT and referred me to a group, so I'll schedule soon."

"He's the best, so if he said that's all you need, then that's all."

Paul seemed to know a lot about Dr. Keene, prompting me to ask, "Is he always so serious? He was kind of quiet and standoffish."

"Well, yeah. He's all business. Getting people in and out. He did an excellent job on my knee." Paul raised his leg, bending his left knee. "Good guy. I offered to train him, but he hasn't taken me up on the offer. I figured he's busy with surgeries. He's built quite a practice. He doesn't come into the gym as often. I don't know if he still has a membership." Paul shrugged.

Containing the glee with newfound information, I feigned indifference, "I hope I don't need to go back. I hate doctors. But when my father decides to finally replace both knees, I'll recommend Dr. Keene. Thanks again for the recommendation."

"Anytime, doll. I'll catch ya later." He slapped the door with his palm then walked away.

My first potential enrollee soon arrived. A nice middle-aged divorcé who wanted to get back in shape for the dating scene. Regardless of his inappropriate ogling of my breasts, I used my best sales strategy—listening intently and displaying empathy. He purchased a membership.

Usually, the decision to purchase a membership had already been made before walking through the gym door. Without making a hard sell, I counter their reservations with attentiveness.

And with male gym goers, it hadn't hurt to be saccharin sweet to seal the deal.

As I filed the new member paperwork, I heard a knock on the door. "Hi, sweetie." Chelz peeked in.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now