Chapter Twenty Nine

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We spent Monday on the same high as we had since getting together. We made love, went to work, ate a late dinner, made love, and slept until the morning. I was apprehensive about telling him I planned to go home on Tuesday. I woke up early and packed my bag, placing it at the door. I hoped he would recognize my signal that it was time for me to go home. I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I brewed his favorite coffee blend, which woke him out of his slumber. He walked to the counter rubbing his eye and scratching his beard and neck.

"Where's my coffee, woman?" I laughed as he stood behind the counter.

"Goodmorning, babe. I made you some breakfast. Here's your coffee, as you like it."

"Is this consolation for you leaving?" He took a sip from the mug I set before him, glancing at the bag at the door.

"Maybe?" I responded meekly.

"Why are you leaving?" A tinge of disappointment was in his voice.

"Because I have my own place, and I haven't been there since Saturday morning."

"Not much of a reason." He sipped.

I cocked my eyebrow. "It's a pretty big reason to me, Matt," I replied evenly.

"Don't you like being with me?" He said in a tone that elicited immense guilt.

"Of course I do, but I don't need to spend every moment in your home to prove it to you, do I?" He put his mug down on the counter, then walked over to me.

"Consider this your home. I've tried to make it as comfortable as possible, so you would want to make it yours. Stay here until . . ." He started calculating, rubbing my shoulders.

"When? A month from now? Six months? When. . . When you get tired of me?" His eyes widened at my clipped tone.

"I'm not going to get tired of you." The furrowed brow and frown showed his shock and hurt.

"You won't because I'm going home. A little separation is good for relationships, or whatever it is we have together." My voice went to a whisper as my gaze lowered.

"Who said? I want you here with me which is good for our relationship." He raised my chin. "I like having you here. It's not logical for us to spend time at your place because there's no parking. Your place is too small for two people. Also, we're closer to our jobs here. Please don't go." He whimpered.

"I think I made a mistake. . ." His hands gripped my arms. I saw the look of concern in his eyes. "I should've told you on Sunday my plans to leave today. You would've been more prepared and not reacted like this." I stated.

He sighed. "Did something happen on Sunday to make you want to leave?" He probed.

I refused to tell him about Brigit's unprovoked attack and accusations. But, I had decided to return home before she had placed doubts in my head. "No. . . No. I decided when you took me home to pick up some things. I looked around my place and I realized how much I miss it." I stroked his back in consolation. "I plan to come back on Saturday before we go to your sister's. I'll spend the night on Saturday if you want. Then I'll go to work as usual on Sunday. I can come back here after my Sunday shift if you'll have me. We can see each other at the gym. Maybe dinners? And I can spend weekends here when you're not traveling."

"It feels like you're trying to pull away from me." He released his grip on me, returning to the counter and picking up his mug.

"Matt, no. I'm not. We're two independent people. We can see each other and still live our independent lives during the week, too."

"What about us? Are you planning to be so independent you see other people?"

I sighed, walking over to meet him. "Matt, I never, ever, said I wanted or would start seeing other people." I cupped his face. "What's this really about?" I searched his eyes as if the answers would appear like the responses of an eight ball.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now