Chapter Thirty Eight

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With the key Matt had given me early on in our relationship, I unlocked the door to Matt's apartment and entered, scanning the open space for his presence. Footsteps on the hardwood floors came from his office. He looked at me surprised, "Hey. I thought you were going home today. What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He asked, surprised but excited to see me.

"Tell me about Pentagon!" I ordered.

He didn't flinch but his back straightened. There was no expression on his face. He took a moment to respond. "What?" he asked, stalling for time.

"Tell me about Pentagon," I asked evenly.

"What's this about?" He opened his arms by his sides, showing me the palms of his hands.

"Matt..." I inhaled then sighed, restraining myself from hurling accusations building in my gut. "I'm going to ask you one last time. Please, tell me about Pentagon and your connection to the group."

"I don't know what you expect me to say."

"I expect you to tell me the truth—the fact that you're a majority shareholder, along with your buddies, Brady, Zipper, Lark, and Kent."

"What does that have to do with anything?" He kept his affect flat. His eyes trained on me.

"So you're not going to tell me?" I placed my purse and keys on the foyer table, preparing myself for verbal sparring. He watched me as I walked into the living room area, standing in the middle of the room where I'd once undressed him, telling him all the things I loved about his body.

"I'm giving you an opportunity to tell me everything about Pentagon. But, I guess you want me to tell my version of the story," I surmised.

He folded his arms in front of his massive chest. His mouth and neck tensed waiting for me to talk, instead of him coming clean. I was surprised by his defiance and silent refusal to tell me the truth.

"It has come to my attention that Pentagon is a company which may have indirectly and directly affected the course of my life. Do you need me to explain further or can you agree so far..." I glared at him and he didn't bat a lash. "I'm right, aren't I?" He looked down and took a few steps forward, but stopped when I retreated backward. I clenched my fists to the side of my body, bracing myself for the words I was going to sling at him.

"Let me start from the very beginning of this depressing and deceptive tale." I folded my arms.

"Pentagon is a company created by five best friends who went to boarding school together. Friends who started a very small investment group while in boarding school. Impressive—five young men starting such a venture while in high school—a very prestigious high school, so you'd expect nothing less from gifted, privileged, and entitled young, white men," I relayed. 

Matt didn't even flinch.

"Over the years this small venture grew bigger and bigger, even when these five friends went their separate ways throughout the country, attending college, then graduate programs such as medical school, business school, and law school. Despite the distances they've traveled and lived, they've maintained an impenetrable relationship where they planned to own the world. Investing in business and raiding failing corporations, they also had little side operations like restaurants, entertainment clubs, and hotels throughout Boston, New York, and Las Vegas; hoping to expand to Miami." I raised a brow and said, "Lumiere being one of their most lucrative clubs in Boston. His jaw clenched. "Remarkable growth for the five men and their corporation, but I suspect that one doesn't become so powerful over the years without using and discarding innocent people." He winced.

Finally, I had broken through the shield of stoicism he hid behind.

"Perla. . ." He proceeded to walk toward me. I put my hands out to stop him from coming close and shutting down my retelling history. I paced away from him. He placed his hands on his hips, no doubt trying to restrain himself from touching me.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ