Chapter Thirty Two

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Matt said it would take about forty-five minutes to drive to his sister's place up in northern Massachusetts. I was nervous all afternoon throughout my bridesmaid fitting. After arriving at Matt's apartment, I decided to get ready two hours before we were due to leave, ensuring to look as perfect as possible when meeting Stella and her family. When I finished my lengthy hair routine, I entered his bedroom to dress. Matt was preparing to shower. He was naked and smiling lasciviously at my body. "Don't get any ideas, Mr. Man!" I shook a finger at him. "I'm fresh and clean. I'm not going to your sister's house with frizzy hair and smelling of sex."

"I can be very careful." He tugged at my bath sheet. "I just want to taste you." He said as he came over with his semi-hard cock, thickening with each step he took toward me. My nipples hardened as I watched him approach.

"God, why can't I resist you?" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Please, let's not start anything. I'm nervous enough and I just want to make a good impression." I pleaded, staring into his darkened eyes. A smile formed on his face. "I promise I'll make it up to you tonight when we get back." He kissed me.

"You shouldn't be nervous. My sister's going to love you. My whole family will." He gave me a soft kiss in reassurance. I needed it but I didn't quite believe him.

"I won't ravage you, but a promise is a promise and I intend to collect." He gave me a peck on the corner of my mouth so as to not smear my lipstick. I dressed slowly, so as not to work up a sweat. It was rather warm, and I didn't know if it was from too much heat circulating in the apartment or created by my nerves. I put on makeup in the other bathroom, not wanting to get frizzed up from the steam in the master bath.

Matt called me when he was ready to go, waiting with my jacket on his arm. Meeting his sister would be one step closer to commitment.

Was I truly ready?

We pulled up to a very upscale subdivision. The houses were huge and spaced quite far from each other, providing significant privacy. Ben and I couldn't afford to live in this type of community, even with both of us working. We earned a decent living, but Ben's father expected his children to live modestly since they'd come from humble beginnings despite the wealth they later amassed. I had been comfortable with our three-bedroom colonial in a postage stamp-sized lot.

Stella's house was definitely not on a tiny parcel of land. It was twice the size of the colonial I called home for four out of the six years we were married. Stella's home was a three-storied colonial with dormer windows in the third story. It was wide with an attached three-car garage. It was painted white to contrast the dark roof tiles. The front of the windows had hydrangea bushes, which hadn't fully blossomed yet. I would've loved to see the color of the flowers when in bloom.

After driving up a long driveway and parking in front of one of the garage door stalls, Matt put the car in park and said, "We're here. Are you ready?"

I gave him a confident smile, summoning up the courage that waned with each mile we had driven, "Yes, of course. I'm excited." For his benefit, I feigned excitement. He smiled, looking relieved.

"Wait right here." He exited the car and walked around to open the door for me. Since the caveman claiming episode where he'd forgotten his manners, Matt had been really attentive and loving. I exited the car and he took my hand, walking us toward the front door. I took a quiet, deep breath as he pressed the doorbell.

Within a minute, a man opened the door. He was tall and handsome with a clean shaven chiseled jaw, and bright red hair. He greeted us with a kind smile and welcomed us into the house.

"Perla, I'd like you to meet Craig Fanning, my brother-in-law."

I extended my hand to meet his, "Nice meeting you." I smiled.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now