Chapter Eleven

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About an hour later, Dashing darted out of his bedroom, looked around, and spotted me on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, rising from my comfy corner.

"Yeah..." He ran his fingers through his long tendrils. "I thought you'd left. I was concerned." He paused as he looked at me. Completely nude, he hadn't even taken the throw blanket to cover himself. He looked so sexy with his disheveled hair and beard. "Umm, I couldn't find the condom," He said sheepishly.

"Oh, I took it off of you when you fell asleep. I put it in the bathroom wastebasket. I assure you, I'm not going to be turkey basting it to trap you. I've got enough problems and adding a baby, even one with an orthopedic surgeon, is not in my plans." My declaration seemed to sting him.

"I didn't mean to imply you'd do that." He stammered.

Saving him from having to formulate another response, I replied, "I know." I stood up and tugged my dress down. "I was going to wake you up at 5:00, but since you're awake now, I do have to go home. I've been here all day. And I've got so much to do at my place," I said as I slipped into my heels. "I have two shifts of work tomorrow."

"On a Sunday?" He walked toward me, naked and beautiful. I nodded affirmatively. "Do you really have to go? I can drive you to work in the morning." He sounded forlorn.

I smiled and reached out for his face, and replied, "I have no clothes here. I don't have my charger for my cellphone, none of my toiletries or medications. I haven't even washed my clothes for the week. Saturday is my one day off and I didn't get to do my normal routine today."

"I'm sorry. I wish I hadn't had to leave earlier. I feel like I wasted your time."

I took his chin in my hand and reassured him, "You didn't waste my time. I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday. This was an unexpected and welcomed encounter." I kissed his mouth, finding his tongue and showing him the fervor he electrified in me.

I pulled away when I felt him tugging my body toward his pelvis. We both sighed, his breath on my face and the heat from his body caused my insides to quiver.

"Let me get dressed and I'll drive you home. We can grab dinner."

"I can get a cab. I have food at home. I don't have time to eat out." I said apologetically.

"Not looking like that you won't."

"Like what?"

"You have a soiled dress. You have a bandage on your shin. You look like you've completed a marathon of shame." I looked myself up and down and we laughed. He was right. Besides, I really wanted to ride in his Range Rover while fully conscious.

"I'll wait here while you get dressed."

After another kiss, he went back to his room to get ready.

I walked to the elevator and pressed the down button while he locked his apartment door. The hallway was just as luxuriously decorated as his place. There was a large beveled mirror above a long foyer table. The table was adorned with a few decorative pieces. I examined myself in the mirror. I looked horrid.

My hair was all over the place. I needed makeup to be with this God of a man. I couldn't contain these curls without washing and conditioning, and then putting a week's worth of products to tame the frizz. I hadn't had a haircut in a year. Chelz offered to pay for a spa day before her wedding, but I didn't want to impose on her. She'd been planning a very pricey wedding and I'd been saving for a decent haircut to be presentable as matron of honor—albeit a divorced one.

As I finger-combed my untamed tendrils, hoping to subdue the volume, he walked up behind me. He put his hands on my hips and drove his pelvis against my buttocks. With the heels on, I was perfectly positioned at his crotch. He rubbed himself on me, pulling me into him with both hands. His hands gripped at the fabric of my dress and inched it up with his fingers. He burrowed his mouth at my neck and gave me small bites up to my ear.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now