Chapter Thirty Three

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"Why don't we go outside and walk the grounds?" He took my hand, leading me away from the counter where I'd just finished wiping everything down. "They have a spectacular piece of land. They brought in some friends, landscape architects, who made it really beautiful."

He opened the French doors in the kitchen and we walked out to see a completely lit backyard. Everything twinkled from strategically placed lights. To the left was a pool enclosed by black wrought iron fencing, which was ensconced with lights. Straight down and to the right was a large white Gazebo. Matt walked us to the Gazebo.

"In Summer, this is the best spot to sit and relax."

"Doesn't it get buggy out here with all the landscaping? I'd be eaten alive by mosquitos."

"They have a machine which attracts and traps the mosquitos. They've thought of every creature comfort for outdoor living."

"It's beautiful," I remarked as I looked around. He had me take a seat on the bench.

"If you like this property, I should take you to see mine. I live about five minutes from here."

"Did you live there with your ex-wife?" I couldn't help but ask, feeling insecure about his past.

"I kept the house." He nodded. "I haven't been back for several weeks. We'll stop over. I want to switch cars. The weather is getting better, so it'll be good to drive something different." I smiled up at him.

"I've had a great night with your sister and her family. Thank you for bringing me." I leaned into his body and held his bicep as we looked out at the lights surrounding the property.

"I'm curious. You didn't tell your sister we met in your office. Why?"

"Well, you're my patient. I can't even confirm with anyone else that you're a patient. . . To protect your privacy."

"Well, I'd rather you tell people we met at your office, or better yet, the gym. It sounds a bit cliché to have met at the club. Those relationships are predestined to fail."

"I didn't exactly tell her we met at Lumiere. Stella assumed Duration, and I didn't correct her since you work there." He nuzzled his chin against my forehead. "I'd rather not tell people I met my girl in the examining room. It doesn't make me look professional." He stroked my arms, keeping the night chill from reaching my bones.

"The story we'll go with is that we met at the gym on the very day we met at your office. ¿Acuerdo?" I extend my hand in a handshake.

He shook my hand in agreement and responded, "¡Acuerdo!" He kissed me in confirmation. I breathed in his amazing scent, absorbing his warmth. His arms snaked around my arms, covering me with his body and bringing me close. I pulled away.

"We aren't going to make out in your sister's gazebo. That's just wrong." I whispered, gazing into his eyes.

"Yes, we can." He leaned in for another kiss. After nuzzling my nose, he said, "I think my sister likes you. She's a pretty tough cookie, but she seems to be cutting you some slack tonight."

"Well, she isn't cutting you any slack and I gotta say, I like it."

"It's because you like bossing me around." My eyes widened from the sting of the truth.

"That's not true," I argued. "I resent that." Heat rose to my cheeks, knowing full well I was also bossy.

"You know you do. You like to control me in bed," he exclaimed with a glint of appreciation in his eyes.

My body burned with embarrassment. "I like controlling my pleasure. My needs come first, but I don't boss you." I explained.

"Well, I like it." He kissed me. "I like you. I knew I'd like you when my nurse, Annie, said you were great. When she spent about ten minutes with you, asking questions about your history, you made her laugh. She came out of the room smiling when she'd been having an awful time during that period. The first thing she said to me before I walked into the room was 'She's a keeper.' I didn't know what she meant, but when I saw you and the way you looked at me." He bit his bottom lip, then continued, "I instantly understood."

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now