Chapter Thirty

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My workday at Duration was spent waiting for guests. No tours and no sales pitches. The weather outside was getting better, which meant people were taking their fitness routines outdoors. I had expected an influx of members canceling or suspending their memberships. Between May and September was the time of year when I was least satisfied with my job. During that time, I yearned to do more, be more, and have more. In July, I would reach my full year working at Duration.

I thought I was happy, but since meeting Matt I realized I wasn't one hundred percent content with my career. I hadn't met my full potential. My job at Brassi Construction was a directorship. I dealt with finances, crunching numbers for the company. I had made almost triple the amount I was making with all current jobs combined. But after what happened between me and Ben, I wouldn't be able to make half of what I previously earned.

Sitting around Matt's friends, listening to all their trips and adventures, their projects, and the people they've met, I hadn't come close to having reached their level of wealth and power. In an effort to find my place with Matt, I vowed to reevaluate my future—whether or not I was with Matt.

While checking my planner, I recalled a scheduled fitting with Chelsea at eleven o'clock in the morning on Saturday. I had intended on seeing Matt on Saturday. We were going to his sister's house for dinner, but the fitting shouldn't interfere with our evening together. Chelsea gave me a plus one for her wedding reception, but I'd never intended to use it because dating someone was not on the radar. Instead, I had responded for one.

She had invited my father, receiving a plus one for a guest. He accepted both and would be taking Rubi. Rather, Rubi would be taking him. I had decided to visit Chelsea's office and ask for permission to take Matt. If she agreed, I would ask him to escort me to the wedding. If she declined, then I wouldn't say anything to him, and I wouldn't feel guilty for not inviting him.

I knocked and said, "Hi, sweetie."

"Hi, lovey. How's my love-struck best friend doing?"

I smiled. "Still trying to figure out if she's in love after a little over two weeks of knowing him."

"I take it he came back home from Spain safely?"

"Yes. He surprised me and came home around three in the morning. I was supposed to cook dinner, but I met his buddies, four of them, and their girlfriends. I thought it would be a disaster. . ." I wrestled with telling Chelz about the incident in the restroom. If I didn't tell Chelz, who would I unburden myself with? "There was an incident I still can't shake, but I'm trying to stay positive."

"What happened?" She waved me to sit in the chair in front of her desk.

After sitting, I unloaded, "Some high school type shit. One of the friend's girlfriends, who was at Lumiere that night, was talking to two other dates in the bathroom." I tried to minimize the event by adding, "She sounded very tipsy, but she said so many cruel things about me not being in his league, my appearance, and the ultimate statement I can't ignore was, and I quote, 'he's just using her,'" I revealed.

"Wow." Chelz's eyes narrowed. "Did you tell him?"

"No." I shook my head, feeling all my insecurities wave over me. "Before we went to dinner, he warned his friend Brady, the bitch's boyfriend, to control them. One girlfriend, Jenna, was so great. I don't even remember the other two girls' names. Matt told me not to bother because they wouldn't be attending the next dinner. His friends are still playboys." I pursed my lips recalling the feeling of being the odd person out.

"One more thing," I whispered, and leaned in to conclude, "His friend, Brady, really creeps me out." I bit my bottom lip before explaining. "He looks at me like a starved dog trying to reach a spoiled piece of meat. Like he'd like to fuck me, but is disgusted at the same time." I shook my head at the memory of his gaze.

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now