Chapter Twenty Four

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At the end of my shift at Duration, I commuted to Liberty Inn for my next shift. Despite being early, I wanted to spend time in the lounge, figuring out my new gadget. When I arrived, Alice was there, and I was surprised by her presence. She looked frail, wearing several layers of clothing and outwear on her diminutive body. Her cheeks were drained of color. The turban she wore covered her bare scalp.

"Hi, Alice" I hugged her gently. "I didn't expect you here." I walked her to the couch, helping her sit. "How are you?" I asked, happy to see her, but surprised she was up and moving. Ross had sent me a text that she hadn't been well lately.

"Hi, Perla." We held hands. "You're here early."

"I finished my other job, and I figured I'd spend some time here until my shift unless you need me to start earlier." I looked deeply into her eyes, which were sunken in. "What's up?"

"Jake quit unexpectedly." She shook her head. "He couldn't continue working his day shift, so I had to pick up the shift until I find a replacement."

"Alice, you can't possibly do that. Are you medically cleared to work?"

"I have no choice." She looked at the empty area behind the front desk.

"I'll start my shift early." I rose from the couch. "You go home and rest." I walked to the door, entering the space to command the area. Alice walked toward the counter. "Do you want me to send out job opening ads to the hospitality schools?" I pulled up the contact file to write an email. "I can do it now. You'll probably get a few applicants within these next few days. I can help with interviews."

"I've already done it." She sighed. "Thank you, Perla."

I swallowed the knot nestled in my throat. After I gathered her purse from underneath the counter, I handed it to her.

"I do need some rest." She shook her head. "I've been dealing with this since yesterday. Ross isn't interested in dealing with this anymore. He wants me to take the offer some big corporation made, but you know I can't do it."

"They're still making offers?" I crossed my arms. "I'd thought they've given up by now."

"They're tenacious." She rolled her eyes. "I can't sell to them. They want to destroy the whole community with their build." I exited behind the desk to walk her to the front door. This inn has been in my family for generations, and I can't conceive of being the one to let it go. It's bad enough I don't have children of my own to pass this along to." She stopped to gaze at me. "Ross wants me to hand over my rights to him, so he can sell it before I die." My heart ached at the finality in her words. "He says that by signing it over to him, I won't have the guilt of selling it. But that's not how it works."

"I know, Alice." I stroked her back, offering some comfort. "I'll support you in whatever you need." I refrained from hugging her too tightly. "I love you and Ross. I know he just wants to do the right thing by you." I looked around the room, and said, "And the inn. Your family's legacy should continue, but you have to take care of yourself." Alice patted my back without much vigor. "Go home and rest," I whispered. We pulled away from each other. "If you need someone to take a shift, I have Saturday free."

"You're a doll, but Jake didn't work Saturdays. That shift is covered. Besides, it's your only day off and I want you to enjoy it."

"I was going to ask for a favor, but I don't want to put you out. . ." I started. When Alice waved a hand for me to continue, I said, "I've met someone." I informed her as I crossed my arms.

"You did?" She asked excitedly.

I smiled sheepishly. "A doctor," I relayed. "Almost two weeks ago, I went to the orthopedic surgeon's office for my hip pain, and he was the doctor that examined me. We connected the night of Chelz's bachelorette party... And we've been inseparable since."

Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now