Chapter 1

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~*~Joey's POV~*~

Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to go for a walk to get away from the hitting for a little while. I didn't mean to make Mom and Dad angry at me, it was only a glass. Am I in trouble now?

I still didn't know why I was in the back of this car. I still didn't know the men who made me get in the car. I still didn't know why they just killed someone.

All I knew, was that my leg really hurt.

{Earlier That Day}

"Josiah!" Mom screamed, startling me as I tried to pick up the broken glass. I froze in my place before I slowly stood to meet her burning glare. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You little fucking-"

"Ow..." She always had hard slaps but this one hurt more, my cheek instantly swelling into her handprint.

"Maybe if you weren't such a little faggot this wouldn't be happening." Always the same words with her. What did me being gay have to do with a broken cup? "I can't even look at your disgusting face right now, get out."

I never wanted to get hit more so I always took the safer option to leave, going to the park where I could relax. As expected when I walked out my Dad was just waking up and like every morning, I got a punch to the gut before he shoved me away and stumbled towards the kitchen.

Grabbing the bag I usually had packed by the door made it easier to leave quickly. I always kept a bag by the door, just in case I ever needed to get out fast. It was becoming more and more often that I needed to actually leave and they were starting to hurt me more. I wasn't sure why but they scared me.

I wrapped my jacket further around me to warm my frozen body, entering the gates to the private park.

I wasn't technically supposed to be here, but the security guy knew me from when we used to have the money to afford the houses around here. His name was Steve, he was really nice and always gave me candy when I came in. We used to live next to him and his wife, Aubrey, and they'd take care of me when I wasn't allowed at home.

There was also the other security man, Mik. He was Steve's best friend and him and his wife lived across the street and down the road from us. Mik was always really quiet but his wife, Marilyn, was really happy and always brought me to school.

I got to go grocery shopping for the first time ever with Aubrey and Marilyn for my 8th birthday. I guess it didn't seem that special to other people, but I'd never been to a grocery store before and they said I could pick anything to do. I really missed living next to them but I still got to go over sometimes.

"Hey, Joey. What are you doing out here so early?" The older man asked as I approached him to say hello.

"Hi, Steve." I shivered as the cold wind nipped at my numb ears and nose. "I just wanted to come for a walk. Mom and Dad are... never mind."

"I can see the handprint, Kiddo. You don't have to explain, but you know Mik and I are always here if you ever need anything."

"Thank you. And I think I'm ok, I just want to clear my head." I admitted as Steve approached with his arms out for a hug. I liked Steve's hugs, he always rubbed my back and let me hug him for as long as I wanted.

When I finally pulled away he must have noticed my teeth chattering because I got his famous pity look.

"Come here, I've got my extra jacket." I didn't even have time to reject the offer before he pulled me into the hut and wrapped it around me. "This is my old one, I want you to keep it so I know you're always warm. Sound good?"

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