Chapter 12

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~*~Atticus's POV~*~

"Acre... come on." I whispered, pulling at his arm while trying not to let his parents know I was in here. Why did they have to come upstairs right now? "You need to wake up."

"Why are you whispering?" He groaned, rolling over and pulling me closer to his side of the bed so he could hug my waist.

"Because your parents are up here. Get up now before I throw you off the bed." I threatened, just to have my wrist grabbed when I tried to tickle him.

"Rethink that action." He groaned, sitting up with my wrist locked in his hand. "I wanna spank you so badly."

"Only if you're fucking me, you know that." I told him, wriggling my hand out of his grasp and playing with his hair. "We have to go out to the pit, your Dad wants us there in five minutes."

"He can suck my dick, it's too early to torture someone." He mumbled while laying his head against my torso. I ran my hands through his hair, remembering he had a rough night last night and not wanting to push him.

"Sucking your dick is my job, don't take that away from me." I mumbled, kissing his head and loving the throaty laugh I got in return. I felt him moving a bit before he looked up and used my body to pull himself out of bed.

"I miss Joey." He frowned, hugging me again and pushing his head into my shoulder.

"He was here yesterday, Baby."

"But he didn't sleep over this time, I didn't even get to say goodbye because I was sleeping."

"I know, Baby. But we'll see him tomorrow, we have work to do today."

"Do I have to go? Can't I just get Dad to do it and I go see Joey? He's still hurting and I want to help."

"He's doing better, he does need a day to rest though."

"But he can rest with me."

"No, Babe, he needs some time to himself."

"Bullshit." He mumbled, pushing me away and walking over to grab his clothes. I didn't take his attitude personally, he was always like this after bad nights. He wanted to be hugged but as soon as he heard something he didn't like, he'd get grumpy and shove me away.

"I love you, Acre." I told him, kissing the side of his head as he buttoned his jeans.

"I love you too... I'm sorry."

"I know, just take your anger out on him when we get there. After we're done I'll bug your Dad to give us some time to go see Joey."

"Thank you." He mumbled before pressing up on his toes to kiss me. I heard him mumble about my height as he walked away but it amused me more than anything.

~*~Acre's POV~*~

"Took you long enough." Dad commented when we got out to the pit. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him today, I just wanted to go see Joey and make sure he's ok. Atticus wanted to go too but he technically had to listen to my Dad so that was annoying.

"Suck my dick." I responded before walking into the back room with Atticus close behind. I noticed he stayed way closer than he usually did, his hand not only resting on my back, but gripping my side and running his thumb along it. He's lucky there's no one else in here. I guess he wouldn't do it if there were though so that's good.

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