Author's Note

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Alrighty guys, that is all for My Boys! I know the ending wasn't as strong of a cliffhanger as it could have been, but I personally hate them and so I made it an easy one. The questions that will for sure be answered in the sequel, which I will name below this, are:

What happens to Natalie?

Will there be a war?

What happened to Brooks?

What happened to Joey's parents?

How are the boys as fathers?

And a few more that you will have at the beginning of the next book.

Now just some thanks to everyone who supported this book through its writing process. I've loved writing since I was little and now, 8 years later I could finally write in a way that made sense and a story that people enjoyed. This story was just like the rest of mine, something for me to be creative with and that's it. I decided on a random day that I was going to post it and I still remember how excited I was when I hit 100 reads. I never would have thought I'd be finishing the book off with 85.1k reads. Normally when I write, I give up half way through because I don't feel connected to my book enough. But you guys had me wanting to write more because seeing your excitement, had me wanting to know what happens next. So thank you so much to everyone who read this book, whether it was just one chapter, a few chapters, or the whole thing. Every one of you means so much to me and I am so excited to continue the story of Joey, Atticus, Acre, and Brynlee.

Now onto our sequel!

The sequel to My Boys will be titled Our Girl. Very clever, I know;)
It will take place on the same timeline and pick up right where this story left off so not all of your questions go unanswered. It may not be as long as this story, or it may be longer, but it's a vital part of the story of these three boys and their daughter that we will not be skipping out on. As soon as I have the summary written up, I will be posting it as another part on here, so keep your eye out for that.

I wanted to mention how much I absolutely love going through the comments you guys have left on here. Everyone is so kind and hilarious and whenever I open the app, the first thing I do is check to see if there's any comments. They are the highlight of my day and always have me laughing my ass off because I can picture you guys laughing or cursing me out.

Also, now that I am finished writing this one, I will be able to go through and do a huge rewrite! For me, the rewrite is going to consist of things I've written down that I wanted to add to the story every time I've gone back to read it. I'm going to leave it up to you guys whether you'd like the rewrites posted or not, because sometimes I will do rewrites off of the app and more just for myself. But if you guys are interested, I can definitely add them straight into the chapters and let you know which chapters have been rewritten or added to. The main thing with that, is that the story will not change. Nothing about how these boys met, or became friends, or fell in love will be changing and you might not even notice where I add things.

It will take a little bit to get Our Girl up and posted, so I'm the meantime, why don't you scoot your butt over to my page and check out Darling? I mean, it can't hurt. Whether you guys believe it or not, The Darling books were created LONG before I even had the idea of writing this story. Acre, Joey, and Atticus didn't exist when I started the Darling Series, which started out with only Darling. I'm sure Kayden and Jayden could use some love over in their story, and personally, I think it's a pretty good one, so go check it out and leave all of your amazing and hilarious comments about them.

That's all for now, everyone. I am once again so thankful for you all and this story wouldn't have been what it is without you guys. So while you're waiting, go read some other amazing books by the authors on here and look out for the notification that Our Girl is up and started.

Love you all so much,


— Alexx

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