Chapter 21

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~*~Atticus's POV~*~

Acre was confident. He stalked down the stairs like nothing was wrong and rounded the corner with perfect posture. Joey and I on the other hand? We held hands as we walked around the corner to see the family.

Steve and Mom were positioned at the door, neither of them happy and guns out. Mama and Mik were next to them. Everyone had guns out and ready as Aubrey and Marilyn stood with Amelia at the counter. I didn't understand what was going on exactly but not only as Acre's boyfriend, but his bodyguard, I drew my gun and and made Joey step behind me.

"Why are our guns out?" I asked, looking at Marko as he came in with Harvey.

"Your father has ordered protection on the Mayfield family." Marko explained, putting his hand over mine on the gun. "There's no danger to Acre, you can lower your gun."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew the truth." I glared, safetying my gun and tucking it into my pants. "That bitch better start talking or I will and it won't be pretty."

"Atticus!" Harvey exclaimed, standing up and frowning at me. "What's gotten into you? Natalie, Darling, go ahead and tell them the news."

I looked to Acre who stood straight faced, hands folded in front of him defensively. I looked at Mom as she fidgeted. She never fidgeted. What was going on?

"Acre, I've got some great news!" The rapist slut exclaimed, running over and trying to grab Acre's hands. I glared as I ripped her off of him, pulling my gun again but holding it next to me.

"Hands off."

"Atticus! Stand down." Harvey ordered, slamming his hands onto the table.

"Harvey, quiet." Mama ordered, drawing her gun as well.


"Harvey, enough!" Amelia shouted, silencing her husband. "You may be in charge here, but I'm far above you and you know it. Drop your weapon NOW!"

Harvey, rightfully scared of his wife, dropped his gun onto the table and let her take it, setting it on the counter. I began to take my gun off of safety when I noticed something different about Natalie. Her face was rounder, her hair nappier, and her body was different. She used to be a twig, now she had a bump in her tight clothing that made my lip curl in anger.

"Acre," She began, trying to step past me again but stopping when I raised my gun. Her parents looked less than pleased but they were also aware they're on our turf and we make the rules. "You're going to be a Daddy!"

Rage clouded my vision as she jumped up and down, showing off her stomach to Acre who remained impassive. Before I could do anything that would get me in trouble, I dropped my gun on the side table and looked at Mama as tears blurred her vision.

Mom had a similar expression. Amelia looked sick as tears poured down her cheeks, hiding her face in the shoulders of clueless Marilyn and Aubrey. Harvey of course looked pleased as well as her parents, and Marko had a bored expression along with Steve and Mik. When I looked at Joey his pale skin look truly green, and my instincts to take care of him took over the rage I was feeling.

"Get Joey some water." I ordered, looking at Harvey to do so. He didn't look like he was going to do it until Amelia cleared her throat and Harvey knew he was outnumbered. I was handed a glass of water with a straw and turned to poor Joey, helping him drink as tears started to break through.

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