Chapter 14

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~*~Atticus's POV~*~

"Oh my- oh my god! Whe-where is he? Atticus? Atticus, I can't find him! We have to go find him I- oh my god. Wake up! He's gone!"

I was shaken awake, quite aggressively if I could say, Acre pacing the room and panicking again. I wasn't sure why he was doing this when Joey stayed the night, he only ever did it when Joey was at his house.

When I rolled over to talk to him, I saw the bathroom light on and heard the toilet flush and water run, clueing me in on where our boyfriend was.

"Baby, come lay down. He's just in the bathroom." I grumbled, sitting up and holding a hand out toward Acre. He glanced at my hand before the bathroom door, shaking his head and pacing again.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault!" His harsh sobs broke my heart as he pulled at his hair and started to crumble to the floor. "I ne-ed him..." He cried.

As soon as I started to roll out of bed, the door opened and Joey came out, rubbing his cute little eyes and pausing when he saw Acre on the floor.

"What happened?" He whispered, crouching next to our distressed boyfriend and holding his face in his sweater paws.

"You were gone..." Acre sobbed, hugging Joey who looked very alarmed as he made eye contact with me. "Don't ever go somewhere without telling me, I was scared you were hurt."

I gave Joey a small head shake before walking over and untangling him from Acre's arms, picking him up and putting him in bed as Acre just watched.

"Come on, Baby. He's safe and we need to sleep. Get back in your bed." I sighed, hooking my arms under his and lifting him up. I couldn't help but smile when he hugged me, clinging to me as I carried him over to our bed. As soon as his back hit the mattress he was wrapped around Joey and kissing his head.

"I'm ok, Acre. I'm here." Joey whispered as he played with Acre's hair and kissed his forehead. "I'm right here..."

"Get some sleep," I said with a yawn. "I'm right here if you need anything ok?" Joey nodded before I crawled into bed, wrapping both of them in my arms and trying to drift back into a nice sleep.

"Good morning!" Joey exclaimed when Acre finally started to wake up, curling into his side and kissing his chest.

"Morning." Acre grumbled. I chuckled as he hugged Joey, kissing his head before tiredly looking up at me. "Shower."

"Then you have to get up." I smiled, winking at him as I dropped my underwear and walked into the bathroom. I could hear a small groan as they both got up and soon joined me, Joey's cheeks turning 5 shades of pink when he noticed how naked I was.

"You're adorable." Acre mumbled, kissing his head again and kicking his boxers off before turning to the shorter one. "Need help?"

Joey gave a little nod before holding his arms straight out in front of him, still in pain in the mornings and not able to lift his arms above his shoulders. Acre and I each took a sleeve as we helped him get my hoodie off and into the bin. I couldn't help myself but to stare when he started taking his lace underwear off, his ass jiggling a little when he wiggled to get them off.

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