Chapter 15

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~*~Joey's POV~*~


He's a dead man. Acre does not deserve this hurt he's feeling. He's dead. I'm going to kill him. I don't know how he's still alive but I don't care. I want him dead.

"Joey!" Atticus shouted, chasing me as I ran to the pit, locking the door behind me and locking him out. I'm sorry, Atticus.

"Oh! Hello, Joey." Harvey greeted, walking around the corner.

"Where is Fredrick?"

"In his cell... Why?"

I didn't answer as I walked through the halls, locking every door behind me and grabbing any knives or tools I found laying around.

When I got to Fredrick's cell my blood was boiling. I could see him laying there, chained to a bed covered in bandages and casts.

"Fredrick." I got a gargled noise in response. "You are a bad, bad, bad man."

I only got more gargled noises which confused me. I saw the key for his cell hanging across the room on the wall and used it to unlock his door, going in and seeing even more tools on the desk next to us.

"Open your mouth." I demanded. Seeing as how he couldn't speak, I wondered if he still had his tongue or not. If he did, it wouldn't be for long.

The disgusting, bad man opened his mouth and I saw that half of his tongue was cut off and stitched shut. I saw some pliers on the desk and swallowed, pulling some of the long gloves on before another pair just for good measure, and grabbing the pliers.

"If you bite me I will scoop your eyeballs out with a spoon." I threatened, slapping him across the face when he closed his mouth. "Keep it open."

It was difficult to get ahold of his stub of a tongue, it kept slipping making him groan as it pinched. But I was determined to rip it clean out so when I finally grabbed it, I yanked as hard as I could. Blood sprayed all over his face as I backed up, seeing some medical masks on the desk and putting a few on as well as the safety goggles. I wasn't taking any chances with this dirty man.

"You have hurt too many people with those hands. So now you are going to lose them. One fingernail at a time, then your fingers, then I'm cutting it off the wrist. Then I'll do the other one. Then your feet."

I was so angry right now. I was seeing red and I just wanted to hurt this man. I didn't know where this was coming from but I couldn't stop it.

I found different sizes of pliers, choosing the right ones for his nails, then some large scissor looking things I decided to use for his fingers, and a saw I'd use for his wrists.

Once I knew I was shielded from any blood spray, finding a smock and throwing that on as well, I started pulling his fingernails. He groaned and choked on his blood from his tongue as I pulled, glaring at him when he tried to spit the blood up.

"Spitting his rude." I glared, swinging my pliers into his head as I continued to pull all five nails out of his fingers. After that I took the scissor things and chopped through his fingers.

My BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora