Chapter 32

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~*~Joey's POV~*~

"Where is he?" I whispered to Atticus, just in case Acre was close and could hear me. We were currently sitting in the nursery after we just finished putting the crib together and we're just getting ready to finish decorating.

"I'm not sure. Should we go find him?"

"I'd like that." I nodded, taking Atticus's hand as he lead me through the halls, not seeing any sign of our fiancé. I was getting worried until we rounded the corner and found him.

He looked so handsome standing in front of the stove, wearing nothing but grey sweatpants while he cooked. I heard him humming and smiled up at Atticus before he pulled me into his chest and we stood and watched silently.

"I know you're there. I can feel you." Acre suddenly spoke, turning around with a smile as he put three plates on the new kitchen island. "I made lunch."

"Thank you, baby. It looks delicious." Atticus smiled, kissing Acre on the cheek when we walked over to him. He wrapped me in his arms while kissing Atticus back before handing me my plate and ushering me to the table.

I sort of inhaled the chicken quesadilla so fast it had both of them raising their eyebrows at me. In my defence, I hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was already 3:00. A guys gotta eat.

"So I have some news regarding the attack..." Acre started quietly, playing with his hands as he finished chewing his food. "That gang was completely taken out last night. They didn't leave a single person alive. But one of their allies is getting a little too involved now."

"Do we know them?" Atticus asked as his hands came down to hold both of ours. It was comforting and made me feel safer whenever they touched me. I needed it.

"Someone took over for Fredrick after he disappeared. They want to declare a war but no one is standing behind them. Yet. We need to get in contact with our own allies and make sure their numbers stay down.

"We're safe here though..." I swallowed, looking up at the two loves of my life. "Right?"

"Safer than ever, baby. We've got people surrounding the property at all times and cameras to alert us to any planes or anything flying by. In the case that things get bad, we will leave before anything happens."

"I trust you." I tell them, hugging them both as tight as I can before turning to the patio door to find my other favourite people coming inside.

Steve came in first, followed by Mik, then Amelia, Aubrey, and a very pregnant Marilyn. It was crazy how close she was getting to her due date, Ethan was getting so big. It also meant Brynlee would be here soon. I was so excited to meet her. I really hoped she looked like her dad, he'd be so happy too.

"Acre, Sweetie, you need to make an announcement." Was the first thing Amelia said, leaning on the door with her arms crossed and a small smile on her face.

"I don't." Acre argued, standing to put his plate away. He grabbed himself a glass of water before turning and facing everyone but still, staying silent.

"You do, my Love. You haven't said anything since the initiation. People are worried that you're not ok." Atticus told him before sighing and bringing both of our empty plates over.

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