Chapter 23

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~*~Joey's POV~*~

"I want that one." I pointed to the black T-shirt with checkers on the front pocket, looking up at Acre as he smiled and searched for a medium for me. We'd learned quickly that smalls were generally to tight around my arms now. I hated it.

"Go find some more, Baby, I'll hold it for you." He smiled, gesturing around to the rest of the room.


"Yes, Handsome, more." He laughed, taking my hand and leading me around.

"I don't want to spend too much of your money." I argued, looking back up at him as we walked around together. Atticus was off running around and trying things on.

"I could buy you everything in this mall if I felt like it and still barely make a dent. Buy whatever you want, my Love." He kissed my head, stopping in front of some really nice shoes. "You said yours got dirty at the Pit a few weeks ago, pick any new ones you want."

I looked around at the different types of shoes, seeing some boots like Atticus and Acre always wore, lots of running shoes, and some nice dress shoes among the different styles. I'd expressed to Acre many times over the past month and a half how much I didn't want to spend his money, but he told me he would spend it for me if I didn't.

The past couple of weeks were weird. I'd stopped my pills but I didn't get addicted to them like Mae thought I would. It was only a few days that I was cranky but even still, Acre and Atticus were glued to my side to make sure I was ok. I knew about what happened to Acre when he stopped his, so I didn't dare push them away when they stayed close to me, even following me into the bathroom and sitting on the counter. It was embarrassing at first, but now it was just normal and slightly annoying.

"I think I want boots like yours for the Pit and new running shoes." I told him while looking through the options. I pulled out a pair of black boots that laced up in the front. I also noticed that they had a sign that said they were waterproof which would be good for the pit as well. "Are these ok?"

"Up to you, wanna try them on?" He asked, finding a bench for me to sit and do so. These boots were super comfy and I liked that they were a bit taller so I wouldn't get my socks wet either. I nodded to Acre before trying on a pair of plain black running shoes and deciding to buy them as well.

"Where's Atticus?" I asked, looking around for the one who had Acre's wallet. Acre must have been keeping tabs on him because he pointed across the store to where Atticus was holding up two shirts, trying to decide between them before getting both. Once he was finished he walked over to us with a smile and gave Acre his wallet back so he could pay for us since both of our arms ended up full of bags.

"Well I'm ready for the next store, I already know where we're going." Atticus smiled, leaning down to kiss my head before kissing Acre. "Thanks, Babe."

"Mhm." Acre sighed, still looking amused though as he took both of our bags and walked behind us as Atticus dragged me through the mall.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, curious to where he was running off to so fast.

"To get some accessories." Was his only answer before dragging me around a corner and into a jewelry store. "Go nuts, Baby."

"I-" Before I could protest, Atticus disappeared, leaving me to look for Acre so I wasn't alone. I found him quickly enough, laughing and kissing my head before walking with me.

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