Chapter 26

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~*~Acre's POV~*~

"Olivia?" Atticus asked, laying on the floor while reading off of his list.


"How about Elizabeth, Lizzie for short?" Joey asked from the bed where he was sprawled out.

"I don't know."

"Acre, Babe, my Love, we have gone through almost 20 names. You haven't liked a single one or shared a single one. Read off of your list." Atticus groaned, flopping on his back dramatically.

"I don't know though," I sighed, dropping my head to the desk. "I want her name to be perfect. I don't want it too be too old that's it's weird for a baby, or too little that it's weird for an adult. I need it to be perfect for every single stage of her life!"

"We've still got months to think about it, why does it have to be done now?" He asked.

"Because I want to be prepared with a list of names when I meet her."

"Can you read some of your names so we know what you like?" Joey asked, giving me that cute head tilt. I loved that head tilt.



"I just want to wait until she's here." I frowned, looking at the floor and crumpling my paper into a tiny ball. My head was starting to hurt and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep since I didn't get much last night.

"What are you feeling, Acre? Can you describe it to me?" Joey asked, making his way over to me and sitting on my lap. Just feeling him was helping me to relax.

"I can describe it..." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair while the other sat on his hip. "My body feels tight and sad I think."

"Would you like to go down and search for food? Maybe that will help." Atticus suggested, getting up and kissing both of our heads. I let him take my hand along with Joey's, pulling us downstairs to the kitchen where Steve and Aubrey were sitting at the table. They had papers strewn about and were both pointing to different pictures.

"Hi, boys," Aubrey greeted with her usual smile, getting up and walking to the fridge. "Steve made sandwiches for lunch. You can take them to eat outside if you want, we're just doing nursery plans for Marilyn right now so it's a little boring."

"We can help if you want." Joey smiled before sitting down at the table. As tired and grumpy as I was, I couldn't help but smile when Joey turned to the mantle and said hello to Ethan. Talking to Steve last week, I found out that Joey always tried to hide when he'd say hi to Ethan but ever since he started hanging around us, he felt more comfortable doing it in front of people. It made me happy to know we made him more confident.

"Hey, Ethan." I said as well before sitting next to Joey, Atticus doing the same after bringing the sandwiches over.

"How's the list of names coming?" Aubrey asked as she sat down next to me, rubbing my shoulder the same way Mom did. It calmed me down and made me feel better. "What's wrong, Honey? You look stressed."

"He's in a mood." Atticus told her at he shoved an egg sandwich in his big ass mouth. The energy to glare at him wasn't even in me right now. I was feeling tired, and I think a little sad, and my body just felt so heavy.

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