Chapter 10

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~*~Joey's POV~*~

My body hurt. My arms could only hang at my sides because my shoulders hurt so much, my legs were scraped up and bloody, my tummy had cuts all over it, my chest was red and bloody, and the worst thing was something I couldn't even process.

I'd been laying on the floor for the morning after puking up the alcohol I'd consumed last night. I was so cold on the concrete floor but I wasn't given a blanket so I just curled up as best as I could. And from being curled in a ball all night, my muscles were stiff and aching.

I was cold, sore, hungry, tired, and scared they'd come back. I didn't remember much of last night after drinking the alcohol, but I remembered everything I felt. I just wanted to go home where I couldn't be hurt anymore.

"Good morning, have a fun night?" I closed my eyes and cowered as the man from before came in, setting something down in front of me. It looked like oatmeal but gross. "Eat up."

"No." My voice was really hoarse, hurting my throat a lot as I tried to speak.

"Eat or I'll shove it up your ass."

I avoided his glare as I slowly moved over to the bowl, taking it and eating the oatmeal. It was so bland it should be illegal.

The man ended up leaving again and I finished the food before throwing the glass bowl at the floor across the room. The glass shattered everywhere, hundreds of tiny pieces covering the floor across the large room. I felt a little guilty but they deserved it.

~*~Acre's POV~*~

"What the fuck!" I shouted, throwing my phone across the room at Dad's wall. "They turned off the tracker on his fucking phone!"

"Acre, sit down and calm yourself." Dad ordered, pointing to my seat and staring at me until I sat down. "Marko has a plan. And if you keep acting like this you're not coming."

"Like hell I'm not coming." I stood up again, slamming my hands on his desk.

"Acre!" Atticus snapped from where he stood behind me, coming over and glaring at me until I sat down. "We'll find him."

"He's probably dead by now."

"Don't say that." Atticus hissed, smacking the back of my head. "Let's go inside."

"Fine." I mumbled before letting him pull me from the office all the way to my room.

"Get dressed." Atticus ordered once my door was shut.


"Because I read over Marko's plan. It's crap and going to get someone killed. You and I are going alone."

"You're gonna get in so much shit."

"Too bad." He snapped, looking over at me and frowning. "I'm sorry... I'm just-"

"You're scared, right?" I asked. I hope I'm right, Atticus will be so proud if I'm right. "Did I get it right?"

I smiled when he smiled fondly at me, tilting his head and handing me my jacket. "You did, good job, Babe." He gave me a kiss before putting my gun in the waist of my jeans. "C'mon, we'll be lucky if they haven't already hurt him."

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