Chapter 24

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~*~Acre's POV~*~

"Who's doing it? Right. Ok... well, I can talk to him. No, no I don't think he'll want to be there. Yes I'll ask, I'm just saying- don't interrupt me, I will talk to him. Ok, thank you."

I heard Mom's voice outside my door, making me wake up a little bit and rub my eyes as the light blinded me. Atticus was still passed out on his side of the bed, sprawled out like a starfish while Joey curled up in between us and hugged one of the throw pillows he liked to decorate my bed with.

My door slowly opened and I smiled lightly at Mom as she peered around the corner.

"Hey, Baby, did I wake you?" She asked, coming in quietly and sitting on the edge of my bed next to me.

"No," I lied, sitting up against the headboard. "Who were you talking to out there?"

"Mik. He called because Dad has assigned him as Natalie's doctor until the baby gets here. He's doing an ultrasound for her today and wanted to know if you'd want to be there for it or not."

It was normal to feel sick right? My stomach felt tight and I couldn't tell if my chest closing was the good or bad kind.

"You don't have to go, Sweetie, we can tell you everything afterwards if it's what you choose."

"I've been thinking," I whispered, staring into my lap. "I haven't wanted to think about it, but I have. I think I want to take the baby. I might not get the chance to have my own baby ever again so I'd like to keep this one."

"Ok, Honey, you know I support whatever you choose. What will you do with Natalie?"

"I don't want my baby to know if I killed their mother, no matter how bad she is. I'd like to make her leave though, I don't want her seeing them."

"I like the sounds of that. It's very big of you to let her live, Acre. You've come a long way this year, you have no idea how proud of you I am."

That made my stomach go tight again, but this time I knew it was the good kind. I leaned forward and hugged Mom, kissing the side of her head before I felt some movement next to me. Thankfully for Mom, my room was cold last night which meant all of us were dressed in sweatpants and hoodies and not naked as usual. The cutest of the three of us, was wearing one of my hoodies and cuddling one of Atticus's because "he didn't want either of us to feel left out since he could only wear one hoodie".

"Good morning, Joey." Mom whispered, my younger boyfriend squinting through the light as he looked at her confused.

"Morning..." He looked at me with a worried expression before sliding closer and into my lap. "Is everything ok?"

"Everything is ok, Baby. Mom just came in to tell me that Natalie is having an ultrasound today. I think I'm going to go watch, you're welcome to come."

I was worried about his reaction if I was being honest. Atticus and I had been trying to avoid baby talk because of how it upset Joey but I couldn't keep it a secret from him if I was going to see her. I watched closely to his expression, trying to pick up on anything I could recognize as angry or sad but he didn't really budge.

"I can come?" He clarified, laying on his back and looking up from where his head rested on my thighs.

"Of course, I'd really like if you could be with me."

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