Author's Note

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Hey guys! So this book is coming to an end and as you know there will be a continuation plus one other book when Brynlee is older. So that's already three books in this series, but I was wondering if you guys were interested in one more.

This one would be a Novella, so pretty short. But it would be the story of how Acre and Atticus got together. It will feature 17 year old Acre and 20 year old Atticus, and will cover a little bit of Acre's history I feel like I should write about. Of course Joey won't be in it but this story has a special place in my heart and I would love to share with you how it all began.

So let me know if you guys are interested and I promise, more chapters are coming soon. I've been finding more time to write lately so I'm sure you guys will be happy to have the last few chapters available soon!

Oh, and did I forget to mention this?

This story may or may not end on a liiittle bit of a cliffhanger. I haven't quite decided yet;)

As always, I love and appreciate you all, happy reading!


— Alexx

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