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A week later the club's business had doubled, and it wasn't just that Meredith was a hot little item, she was bringing a new style to the club with her own way of doing things... and the attraction had grown, Derek was pleasantly surprised and seemed to wander onto the floor a little more, at first wanting to see what the fuss was about...

But after first watching her out there... the colored lights shining on her, the way she moved like no other he'd ever seen... almost like he could imagine how she felt in his hands, moving her around with him as they...

But his stubbornness soon kicked in and he would turn and retreat to his office burying his life in paperwork and thriving in the new popularity of the high end new york strip club....

He told himself he couldn't get attracted to one of the girls, it wasn't his style.. he wasn't the guy that slept with the help... and the club needed her, so firing her wasn't an option....

Meredith walked in early one morning to bring in some set up stuff for a new show she was planning on doing with Disha and Cookie her newest friends.. she got along with almost all of the girls but Mimi seemed to have some unknown grudge against her that she wasn't sure what it was for, but she wasn't going to waste energy on figuring it out either...

She got up the stairs carrying a large bag over her shoulder and walked down the hall towards the dressing room when she saw Derek at the door to his office jingling his key in the door... he heard someone and looked up seeing Meredith coming his way...

"Morning." He nodded with a smile...

"Morning." She replied instinctively with a smile as she continued towards the dressing room...

She furrowed her brow as she halted and turned around.... He got the office unlocked and opened the door when he felt a pair of eyes on him... he turned his head seeing Meredith's wide eyed expression...

"What?" he asked furrowing his brow... she raised an eye brow in curiosity...

"I could swear I just saw a smile on your face." She replied... his face relaxed as he cleared his throat nervously...

"You must be seeing things." He threw back... she smirked and nodded her head...


She teased before turning around and walking into the dressing room with a smile plastered on her face and butterflies rising in hr stomach... she noticed a few of the girls in there prepping for an early show as she put her things down...

"I wouldn't get too comfy." She heard off to the side...

"Excuse me?" she asked turning to see Mimi strapping on some plastic high heels to go with her tacky flamingo pink costume...

"I said don't get too comfy here." She replied...

"Mimi, don't start." Kitty said coming out of the closet fastening her costume... Mimi's intense threatening stare didn't leave Meredith...

"The boss may see you have a bit of beginners luck here, but as soon as it ends he'll have you packing."

"And what makes you think it's going to end?" Meredith retorted in a calm tone not threatened by Mimi's...

"It will, it always does." She hissed out...

Meredith started unpacking her bag setting things on her vanity and raised her brow...

"Mimi." She said softly "Your insecurities are as unflattering as that outfit you're wearing." She turned to face the angry woman "I'm not here to take anyone's jobs, I'm not here to make enemies, I'm here to take off my clothes just like every other person in here... just because I may do it a little better than others doesn't mean anything other than I'm making it possible for you to keep your job and that routine you think is so damn hot... so really, the threats aren't as necessary as a nice thank you unless of course that's as nice as you get."

"You know what you little bitch!" she said storming her... Meredith dropped her things ready to fight back when Kitty jumped in between them...

"Hey, hey, hey!" Kitty yelled pushing Mimi away... "Mimi you have a show that you're now late for so get out there and when you're done hose yourself off!" Mimi muttered something in Spanish as she turned and stormed out the door... Kitty raised her brow as she turned to Meredith... "You've got some balls girl."

"She would have figured out just how much had she laid a hand on me." Meredith replied...

"You know Mimi was raised in Queens right? She has quite a rep, not many of us mess with her and her little attitude."

"Well I don't either except when she waves it in my face, and as for a hard ass... I may be little but I can hold my own, I live in downtown Brooklyn, walking home in the middle of the night without a way to protect myself would be insane."

"Ah, so you're a little brawler huh?" she smirked...

"You could say that." Meredith giggled as she started putting her stuff away... "So what is Mimi's problem anyways?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure." Kitty replied as she retouched her make up "I think when she started she had a thing for boss but obviously it didn't go anywhere and every new girl she gets all threatened by."

"What do you mean it didn't go anywhere?" Meredith asked intrigued...

"Well I'm sure you've noticed that he's not one to look at us very long much less longingly."

"Is he gay?" she asked... Kitty let out a laugh and shook her head...

"No, I just think he's got some deep dark secret and he's one of those people that is afraid to feel anything or it'll show." She replied "So he doesn't even go out on the floor and watch us, he just stays in his office all day."

"But he watches me." Meredith said with a frown...

"Huh?" Kitty asked...

"Yeah, I've seen him on the balcony a few times, when I do my show... I thought he did that for everyone." She said innocently... Kitty raised her brow and smirked...

"Well." She smirked, "Then I guess there is a reason for Mimi to be insecure."

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