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"This isn't helping." Meredith sighed as she laid on the couch half sitting propped up by a big pillow flipping through a baby name book as Derek sat at her feet massaging them.. she rubbed her hand over her large belly and let out a grumble as she flipped to the next page.

"Its supposed to help." He chuckled.. "There's like 20,000 names in there."

"That's the problem!" she grumbled "There's too many to choose from... its hard enough to find one and we have to find two."

"Well we wouldn't have to if you would just take Addi up on her offer to find out the sex of the baby." He grumbled.. she shot him a narrow warning look and flipped the page again..

"I don't want to know.. its funner being surprised." She retorted..

"Funner?" he frowned "Funner isn't even a word!"

"Whatever." She muttered back "I'm not going to fight over this so lets just each pick a name."

"Alright." Derek sighed "If it's a boy, I like the name Dylan.. after my brother."

"Dylan." Meredith asked wrinkling up her nose "You mean the drug attic, mafia hungry, strip club owning brother?"

"Right." Derek mumbled "But in a way.. he did lead me to you."

"Ok." She sighs "So Dylan it is."

"Dylan." He smiles thinking about the possibility of his son being inside of her right now and the thoughts of growing him up.

"For a girl I like Florence."

"Florence." He frowns giving her an almost grotesque look.. "Why so she can be forever tortured by being called Aunt Flo? How about Emily."

"You already picked a name." she scowls "And I like Florence because I've always wanted to go there."

"Really?" he smiles at the new information and the thought of taking her there someday.

"Yes." She nods with a deep in thought smile "I've always wanted to ride one of those gondola thingys." Derek raises his brow and frowns slightly "You know they say if you kiss under the bridge that you'll be together forever."

"Mer honey." Derek mumbled out as he cleared her throat "Florence doesn't have gondola's.. you're thinking of Venice."

"What." she frowned "Yes it does."

"No baby.. the city that's built on water, where you have to travel by boat. With all the gondola's and bridges is Venice.. not Florence."

"Oh." She whispered out with a blank disappointed look on her face.. he felt a sting of guilt at just having burst her thought bubble and sighed..

"But Florence does have a giant naked statue of David."

"Seriously?" she giggled..

"Seriously." He smirks "And he's very anatomically correct too."

"Now that's my kind of statue!" she laughed out..

He gave her an offended look that made her giggle harder and he couldn't hide his smile any longer.. she let out a gasp and widened her eyes before grabbing his hand and placing it against her belly.. he felt a tiny foot poke against her skin and felt a tingle shoot through his body as he looked up at her with delight and smiled..

"Whatever name we use to ruin our child's life, I'm just glad that you're the mother of them." He smiles.. she blushes and leans over placing a soft kiss on his lips and whispers..

"Me too."

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