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"Christ!" Derek muttered out as he hit the steering wheel of his car trying to move through the gridlock traffic on the freeway but it was stopped traffic, not even moving any longer.. Mark and Addison were a few cars behind them.. he looked over apologetically to Meredith panting in the passenger seat.. "Mer honey I'm so sorry."

"I know." She whispered out.. "Oh god!" she screamed as she reached over and clenched down on his arm.. he cringed with pain but bit his lip knowing she was in ten times the amount of pain..

"How close are they?" he asked..

"Oh god." She gasped gripping his arm, "They're not.. they're not stopping.. oh god!"

"What do you mean they're not stopping!?" Derek gasped realizing what that meant, but not wanting to believe it, feeling a little freaked out..

"I mean they're not... OH SHIT!"


"Derek! Oh shit!" she cringed as she gripped his arm again "Oh shit I need to push!"

"Don't push!" Derek yelped as his eyes grew wide..

He knew that he had just gotten his degree in medicine and knew how to deliver a baby but didnt want his own child to be the first .. he looked at the desperate, pained look on her face and pressed his lips together realizing he had no choice. The baby was coming fast and traffic wasn't going anywhere.. he pulled the car to the side of the freeway and parked it. He got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side and scooped her up..

"Breathe baby, just breathe." He said softly as he placed her in the back seat..

"Derek!" he heard and looked up to see Addison running up..

"Baby.. its.. its coming." He said frantically..

"Ok.. get behind Meredith I'll do this." She said..

Derek didn't argue feeling scared to death that he would somehow mess up and mame his child, he'd rather someone who'd done it a few hundred times take the helm so he climbed in behind Meredith and helped support her holding her between his legs..

"Oh god Derek." She whimpered out..

"It's ok baby." He whispered into her ear placing a soft kiss on her cheek "You can do this."

"Ok Meredith." Addison said "The baby's head is crowning so just give me a push."

Meredith nodded and squeezed tightly Derek's hands as she closed her eyes and curled around her belly bearing down letting out a high pitched scream..

Addison gasped as she worked to quickly catch the baby that seemed to be in a huge hurry to enter the world. She smiled as she put the baby immediately on Meredith's chest.. they both looked at their squirmy wet little baby take its first breath and let out a cry.. tears filled both their eyes as they were instantly mesmerized by the little being...

"It's a girl!" Addison giggled..

"Oh Derek." Meredith smiled as she felt tears stream down her cheeks "Oh god Derek she's beautiful."

"She is." He said placing a kiss on Meredith's cheek as he takes a finger and rubs the little cheek.. she opens her eyes and looks into Derek's and he gasps as he is met by a sea of dark blue and feels his chest swell instantly with love and pride.. Mark walks up carrying Shelly and looks in and gasps..

"Oh wow that was quick!"

"You have no idea!" Meredith giggles..

"So what is her name?" Addison asks..

"Oh no." Meredith gasps "I never thought of a new name.. crap."

"Its ok." Derek smiles "What about Emily Florence Shepherd." Meredith looks at the little angelic face laying quietly on her chest just looking around and she smiles as she softly kisses her little head..

"Its perfect."

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