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Derek took her hand as they walked out the door... they walked around the property and down the road admiring the lush scenery and the peaceful setting of the quiet rural area.. they kept walking and talking about things enjoying each other's company when Meredith noticed that they were going down a driveway and she suddenly stiffened up and slowed her pace..

"Derek I don't think we should go down here.. this is someone's house."

"Oh." Derek frowned "Well no one lives here, I noticed it the other day and it's empty."

"Yeah but isn't this trespassing."

"What are you afraid the empty house will shoot nails at us if we get too close?" he teased..

"Funny." She glared.. "Fine.. but if I hear gun shots I'm using you as a shield."

"Oh thanks." He laughed as they started to walk up the drive.. "But you should relax this is Washington, not Texas."

Meredith laughed and nodded her head as they walked up the drive way.. they came to a small clearing and she gasped to herself to see a large gorgeous almost cabin style home in the middle of it, a large pond off to the side and an enormous yard.. the side of the house there was a deck with a built in fire pit that would be great for entertaining..

She felt goosebumps erupt all over her skin as she marveled at the property almost wishing she hadn't agreed to see if because she felt like she was home. She looked over at Derek to see him smiling widely at her expression before he let go of her hand and walked up the steps of the porch..

"What are you doing!?" she gasped..

"I'm looking." He replied "I told you that."

"Yeah but you're getting too close."

"Meredith it's a house not a flambé I doubt it will crumble if I touch it." He teased.. she shrugged and cautiously followed him up the steps..

She looked into one of the windows but couldn't see very well and turned to tell Derek something when she saw him reach down and lift up the mat.. he pulled out a key and shoved it into the lock unlocking it.. she looked in shock and horror as he opened the door and stepped inside the house..

"What the HELL are you doing!" She hissed out..

"The key was under the mat." He shrugged "I'm just taking a closer look.. come on."

"Are you kidding me!" she gasped "I cant do this.. this isn't right Derek.. its rude to just walk into someone's house.. I'm not entering unless I have permission from the owner."

"Ok." He sighed.. "You have my permission."

"What." she mumbled just above a whisper as her face dropped.. he looked at her with a sheepish smile and shoved his hands into his pockets..

"I said you have my permission.. and you shouldn't need it because you're the owner too."

"Again.. what?" she asked feeling her head spin..

"Do you honestly think that someone would just leave a key under the mat?" he chuckled "I put it there because I wanted to surprise you.. so lets go see it.. all of it."

She numbly felt him take her hand and pull her into the house.. she was baffled but felt tingles all over her body as she looked at the open ness, the coziness, it was 3 bedroom 2.5 baths of absolute perfection.. she looked around and couldn't have picked a better home for them..

It was large and nice but cozy at the same time, hardwood floors throughout on both floors, carpet in the bedrooms, beautiful tile in the bathrooms.. he led her into the gourmet kitchen and stood her in front of the window looking out into the side yard.. he stood behind her and placed his arms around her waste as he leaned his head against hers and whispered in her ear..

"And out there.. that space of land that stretches all the way to the trees."

"Yeah." She whispered back..

"That's where I'm going to build you, your garden."

"My garden?"

"The garden of your dreams." He smiled placing a soft kiss in her hair "The one you've always wanted, and the one you deserve."

"Derek." She whispered as tears finally welled into her eyes and sniffled.. "This is so wonderful but.. how are we doing this, I thought you didn't want to be in debt?"

"I don't." he sighed as she turned around in his arms.. "And we're not.. well not in a lot.. I.. I had more left over from my trust fund than I thought.. and I've secretly been saving your salary for the last year."

"What!" She gasped in surprise..

"So basically this house.. well it'll be paid off by the time Emily starts kindergarten."

"Oh my god." She gasped in disbelief.. a few tears rolled down her cheeks and he cupped her face wiping them away with his thumbs..

"I knew you were disappointed that we wouldn't be next to Addi and Mark.. so when he showed me his house.. I noticed this one for sale and I.. I had to.. sure our neighbors are like 10 acres apart from us instead of a wall but.. baby all I want to do is make you happy."

"Oh Derek." She sniffled.. "You do.. you make me so happy."

"One more thing." He smiled as he took her hand and took her to the kitchen pantry..

He motioned for her to open the door and she creased her brow in curiosity but she turned and opened the door anyways.. she looked in and then gasped before bursting into laughter to see and entire shelf filled with peanut butter.. she turns to him and smirks..

"You know what a lot of peanut butter means?" she grins.. he grins back as she pulls him into the closet and crashes her lips against his.. he gasps and moans out..

"This is why I love you."

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