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Meredith opened her eyes seeing the morning sun shining through the studio apartment.. she stretched out on the large kind sized bed finally feeling the cramps and fatigue wearing off that she'd experienced the past week... she sat up slowly swinging her legs over the side of the bed...

She smelled some kind of sweet breakfast food cooking and the sound of Derek's voice on the other side of the apartment... she stood up wearing a pair of his boxers and a white ribbed tank top... she pulled her hair up onto a messy bun on the top of her head and walked out of the bed area...

She saw Derek standing in the living room area talking on his cell phone to what sounded like Terry... he was trying to be quiet knowing she was sleeping but looked up when he saw her coming towards him... he gave her a bright smile to which she returned...

She took the coffee cup out of his right hand and took a sip, she handed it back to him and gave him a light peck on the lips as he tried to wrap up the phone call... she turned around and walked to the back door, sliding the door open and stepping out onto the balcony...

She pulled out a cigarette from the waistband of the boxers and put it between her lips and lit it... she was enjoying the puff of nicotine engulfed smoke so much she didn't hear the door open behind her...

Her eyes were closed as she started to put the cigarette back into her mouth when she suddenly felt it snatched from her fingers... she popped her eyes open ready to bite whoever's head off when she was met with a firm set of blue eyes...

"What!" she yelped "I cant even smoke either!?"

"No." he replied putting out the cigarette and breaking it up before tossing it to the wind...

"Why the hell not! It's a damn cigarette!" she shouted...

"Because having one addiction just makes it easier to fall back into another." He replied... she crossed her arms giving him an annoyed look as she leaned against the railing of the balcony... he let out a sigh and tilted his head with a dreamy smile that he knew she hadn't yet been able to refuse.. "please." She let out an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes...

"Fine." She hissed out and turned leaning over the edge...

He looked out at the city and then over at her... studying her every feature... her creamy skin glowing in the morning sun, her honey hair shining, her green eyes looking perplexed out at the busy city and her little button nose that he loved to kiss... there was without a doubt that she was his perfect fit, now he just had to convince her of that...

"So I need an assistant." He said breaking the silence... she furrowed her brow and looked over at him...

"I thought that Terry was your assistant." She asked...

"He's the club assistant." He replied "What I need is an entertainment assistant."

"Ok, so why are you telling me this?" she asked confused... he got a mischievous look in his eyes and she reared her head back "Derek I cant."

"Why not?" he asked "Can you honestly tell me that you like taking your clothes off all day long?"

"You seem to enjoy it." She retorted..

"Yes, when its for me and only me." He responded... she rolled her eyes in annoyance at already having been over this "I need someone that's done it, someone that has amazing ideas to keep the stage action booming like you have, someone that knows what they're doing."

"And you don't want me stripping anymore." She replied...

He sighed with defeat and looked down at the city as he pressed his lips together...

"It makes me sick." He choked out "At the thought of another man touching you with his hands... it makes me sick."

He looked over at her to see a smirk on her face...

"Alright then." She said with a nod...

"Seriously?" he asked surprised...

"Seriously." She replied... "But.. I can still strip for you right?"

She said with a raise of an eyebrow... a grin spread across his face as his eyes scanned her body with desire...

"Oh yes." He replied "Starting right now!"

She squealed as he lunged for her but she moved quickly screaming as he chased her into the apartment... he caught up with her and her squeals soon turned into moans.

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