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The weeks flew by, and finals came and finally went. And finally, the beloved day of graduation finally came. Meredith being 37 weeks pregnant and looking like she could pop at any moment was a little more nervous than most on graduation day, but she waddled across the stage with the rest of the class right behind Derek proudly becoming the other Dr. Shepherd.

After all they'd been through they felt an unbelievable sense of accomplishment now holding their degree's in their hands and smiling at each other proudly as they waited for the ceremony to end. He took her hand and laced their fingers together as he winked at her..

"We made it."

"We did." She smiled back.. she closed her eyes and put her other hand on her belly and took in a deep breath and let it out slowly... he looked over at her and smiled..

"Is the baby not letting you alone again?" he chuckled remembering the last few nights she'd been tossing and turning unable to get sleep because the baby wouldn't stop moving.

"Yeah." She giggled out nervously.. he went back to listening to the ceremony as she chewed on her bottom lip a little starting to worry a little.

The ceremony finally ended in a roar of applause and cheer. As the new doctors all stood to walk to their loved ones Derek stood up and turned to help Meredith up.. she sat there for a minute and looked up at Derek giving her a questioning look..

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute, its not easy to stand when you're this size." She smiled out..

"Ok." He smiled "Take your time."

She finally reached up taking his hand and pulling herself to her feet.. they walked away from the chairs and into the lawn, they smiled seeing Mark, Addison and baby Shelly waiting for them smiling proudly.. Addison walked up and gave Meredith a hug letting out a squeal..

"So how does it feel to be a doctor finally!"

"Relieving!" Meredith giggled.. trying not to cringe wondering why the pain was coming so fast all of the sudden..

"Well congratulations you two." Mark said "We want to take you out to celebrate."

"That sounds great!" Derek smiled..

"Yeah." Meredith frowned a little as she placed her hand on Derek's shoulder for support "But I think we should stop by the hospital first."

"Meredith." Mark laughed "You're going to be living at the hospital soon enough, why the hell would you want to go there right now?" Meredith opens her mouth to say something when they hear a splash on the ground and all look down and then look up at her wide eyed..

"Because." She says looking annoyed "My contractions are about 5 minutes apart and my water just broke all over your shoes."

"Oh my god!" Addison gasps..

"Ok.. ok." Derek pants out as he feels his head spinning.. "I know what to do.. crap.. what do I do."

"Car." Meredith mutters out cocking up an eyebrow..

"Right.. car." He says wrapping his arm around her starting to pick her up when she pushes him away..

"What.. what are you doing!" she scolds..

"You're in labor." He frowns..

"And I can walk thank you very much!" she snaps out.. holding her belly as she waddles off towards the car with the others trailing behind her in a hurry.

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