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Meredith walked out of the closet in the empty dressing room fixating her costume for the day... she glanced up doing a surprised double take at the figure sitting in the chair against her vanity, his legs straddling the back of the chair as his folded arms propped up against the back top of it, he looked up at her with a smirk she knew so well... she fought hard to keep from smiling as she walked up to her vanity and grabbed a brush...

"If you think you're gonna get any think again, I have to be on stage in 15 minutes and I don't want to be all messy and smelling like sex."

"Why not, isn't that what the guys like?" he asked...

"I'm sure its what YOU like, or more so the fact that you're the one making me smell that way." She mumbled...

"Maybe." He grinned...

"So what is it some way of putting your mark on me, why not just walk out on stage and whip out your dick and piss all over me."

"Because the first option is a lot more pleasurable for the both of us."

"True." She replied with a shrug as she messed with her hairdo....

His eyes scanned up and down her body studying her costume, it was a gold .. and just barely covered her nooks and crannies, it looked divine on her yet the thought of her being in front of a crowd of sex hungry men made a sick feeling settle in the pit of his stomach...

"You know you don't have to go on stage." He blurted out...

"Derek, I'm not missing a shift so you can have your cock massaged." She said with an eye roll..

"That's not what I meant." He replied...

"Then what?" she asked impatiently as she started powdering her nose...

"Maybe you could do other jobs around here, you know.. ones that don't show so much skin." He mumbled... she stopped powdering her nose and looked over at him...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." She muttered...

"What?" he asked confused..

"You.. you and your jealous little penis."

"Hey... my penis is not little, this you know well." He defended with a frown..

"You don't want me stripping anymore because you don't want other men looking at me naked."


"I knew this was going to be a problem... god Derek! It doesn't mean anything, I don't think that way about them, I told you, when I dance I think of you."

"Yeah I get that but its not enough... seeing those men gawk over you, reach up and touch you... it nauseates me!" he said starting to raise his voice...

"They're giving me fucking tips! Something that other jobs around here don't provide, you've seen my apartment! You know as well as I do that I need all the money I can get! You cant force me to do this."

"I cant?" he asked raising his brow at the challenge "I am the boss remember."

"You hired me as a stripper, I'm stripping as long as my name is on the schedule." She muttered...

He gave her a blank expression and her eyes widened... she rushed over to the wall where a piece of paper lay pinned to it and saw the schedule for the week ahead... she turned around sharply at him feeling her blood pressure rise..

"You took me off the schedule!"

"Mer, I think that we can trying something else for a while."

"NO!" she screamed "I will not be your bitch.. I will not be a piece of ass.. you're not going to pay me so I can hide out in your office all day waiting on bended knees for your dick to crave me again! I'm not a fucking prostitute!"

"I never said you were!"

"Your actions proved otherwise! Put me back on the fucking schedule!"

"Why so you can take men in the back room for some extra dough!" he yelled out feeling his blood start to boil...

Her eyes darkened to that of rage and he knew instantly he'd said something wrong... she raised her hand and brought it hard across his cheek causing his head to fly sideways... he looked up at her shocked not only at the action but that her tiny hand could possess so much power...

He rubbed the stinging skin... her eyes filling with anger and rage accompanied but a few tears at the corner of the fierce green eyes...

"You don't get to call me a whore." She growled out "You knew what I was when you hired me, you knew what I was when you first stuck your dick inside of me, you knew... so no... you don't get to call me a fucking whore!"

She grabbed her purse off the vanity and her coat pulling it on as she stormed out the door... he watched her flee in a state of shock...

A part of him knew that he was in the wrong, a part of him knew that he should apologize, and go after her, beg and grovel for forgiveness, but too much of him called pride wouldn't let him... so he sat there softly and angrily nursing his own wound as well as his bruised ego.

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