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"Oh god." Derek groans as his pounding head wakes him up the next day.. he squints as he slowly opens his eyes to see the sun shining brightly.. too brightly through the window.

He looks over to see the other side of the bed empty and then sits up to see a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on the nightstand. He smiles knowing she'd set it there for him and hoping that she didn't have a hangover either. But not really remembering if she'd drank at all last night. He swallowed down the pills and scuffled out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes and holding onto his head trying to steady himself.

It was quiet and empty as he slowly looked around the apartment looking for her.. he saw a plate of food on the table and walked over to see cold bacon and toast as well as some coffee still hot in the pot waiting for him. He sits down wondering if she'd had an extra class to go to today as he started munching on the toast and flipped through the paper.

He heard the door open and looked up feeling a jump in his chest and smiled to see her walk through the door. His mouth fell open a little to see her walk in wearing a black pencil skirt that fell at her knees, a purple blouse and black blazer.. her hair down in loose curls and topping it off with black heels that she never wore...

"You look stunning." He mumbled still in shock.. "Especially for leaving so early in the day."

"Whatever." She giggled as she walked over and got a bottle of water out of the fridge "Its almost 2 o'clock sleepy head... how's the hang over?"

"Its hanging." He groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose hoping the aspirin kicked in sooner.. she laughed and walked over leaning in and kissing him quickly..

"So where did you go?" he asked looking her up and down.. she looked at him hesitantly and chewed on her bottom lip a moment before letting out a sigh..

"Um, a job interview."

"What?" Derek gasps "Why would you go on a job interview Mer, you are doing a clinicalship, going to school full time, when on earth would you have time for a job?"

"Its at the hospital actually, doing the billing.. its part time and right there so it'll work out."

"Honey." He said sighing looking at her shaking his head "I know things are tight but we're going to make it.. I've been trying really hard so you wouldn't have to overwhelm yourself like this."

"I know Derek.. that's why I'm the one getting the job." I muttered.. "Besides we need the money."

"Did you not just hear me I said we'll be fine.. you don't need to work."

"I do." She mumbled pulling nervously on her hands..

"Why?" he sighed for curiosity sake..

She chewed on her bottom lip slightly and then reached in her jacket pocket and pulled out a small white stick and set it down in front of him.. he frowned feeling lost as he looked down at it and saw a plus sign.. his mind slowly started to put it together and his eyes widened as he looked up at her..

"You're pregnant!" he gasped..

"Yes." She gasped as tears started to well in her eyes and she started to pace "I'm so sorry.. I thought we were ok.. and apparently you can get pregnant anytime of the month and.. its all my fault.. and I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen and oh god.."

"Wait." Derek frowns looking at her confused "Are we having a baby or going bankrupt?" she looks at him with tears running down her cheeks..

"We're having a baby." She squeaks out "And I'm so sorry Derek I didn't mean to."


"I know we cant afford it right now and we don't have the time and.."


"I don't even know how we're going to do it and with all we have coming its going to mess things up so much and I-"

"MER!" he yells.. she stops pacing and looks at him as a soft smile crosses his face "Its ok."

"You don't understand.. this right now is-"

"Stop it!" he says firmly...

"Why?" she cries..

"Come here." He says reaching his arm out..

"No." she sniffled shaking her head "You're just going to try and make me feel better and I don't want to because its all my fault."

"Is freaking out going to help the situation?"

"No." she whimpers out..

"Will it make everything all better?"


"Will it make you feel better?"

"Maybe." She sniffles..

"Come here." He pleads with her again.. she slowly walks over to him and he reaches out pulling her into his lap and looks softly into her eyes "We're going to have a baby.. a little sooner than we thought but.. Mer, we're having a baby."

"You're happy about this?" she frowns remembering all the stressful talks they'd had about finances being so tight..

"Of course I am.. why wouldn't I be?" he asks.. she opens her mouth to respond when he puts his hand over her mouth and gives her a warning look "Don't tell me its your fault either.. because from what I remember I was a more than willing participant in the creation process." She looks at him and rolls her eyes shaking her head slightly "And you don't have to get a job either."

"Derek." She said shaking her head..

"I can get a job." He continues "You shouldn't have to work, go to school, do clinicalship, and be pregnant.. its too much."

"But I want to Derek." She said softly as she ran her fingers through his hair "Because you're so wonderful, and I cant let you do everything on your own.. you've done so much already.. let me do this."

He looks at her seeing that she wasn't going to change her mind on this and lets out a defeated sigh but couldn't be any happier at the moment..

"Ok." He whispers.. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiles..

She leans in to kiss him when he suddenly picks her up and starts heading to the bedroom.. she looks at him and frowns..

"What are you doing?"

"You are carrying my baby inside of you." He grins "You have no idea how much of a turn on that is."

She throws her head back and giggles feeling him drop her gently on the bed and start attacking her neck with his lips.. she let out a moan until she felt something rise from the pit of her stomach up into her throat and gasped..

"Oh god!"

She pushed him off of her quickly and got up running into the bathroom.. Derek watched her and felt a smile grow onto his face as he felt like he was about to burst with joy.. he was scared as hell but at the same time never felt happier, as he got up and walked in after her to hold up her hair wanting to share in the joys even from the beginning

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