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The next year flew by and they were now in their second year of medical school.. times were hard and money was getting tighter but they always leaned onto each other for support... well.. most of the time.

Meredith came scuffling into the kitchen that morning wearing black yoga pants and a white tank top with her hair put up in a messy bun as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and went straight for the coffee pot glancing over at Derek seated at the table going over their budget.. again.

She poured herself a cup of coffee but there were a bunch of grounds that came out in the cup so she made a face curling her lip up as she poured the coffee into the sink only to see it sit there instead of draining.. she groaned out of frustration and put her hand on her hip..

"Derek!" she hissed out seeing him look up from his bills "The damn sink is stopped up again!"

"Good morning to you too sunshine!" he said flashing out a fake smile "I called the repair guy and he should be here today."

"SHOULD BE isn't helping the damn sink Derek!" she snapped out...

"Well I'm sorry that the free repair man the landlord is sending up that we have to wait on isn't coming fast enough for you dear!"

She narrows her eyes to match his scowl gritting her teeth ready to tell him where to stuff his attitude when the doorbell rang...

She glared at him as she walked over to the door to answer it.. he felt a little guilty at her for letting his stress get to him and snapping at her but things were tighter than tight and he was starting to feel a little irritated with himself for putting them in this position...

Derek looked up to see a repair man following Meredith into the apartment.. he was an older gentleman that Derek was wondering how he could walk much less be fixing their sink as he wore a pair of blue coveralls with a name 'Jerry' stitched in them as he slowly carried his clanky tool box at his side...

"I apologize for taking so long to get here." He said softly...

"Quite alright." Meredith smiled "We barely noticed it."

She heard Derek let out a snort and turned flashing him a glare as Jerry nodded and started looking over the sink...

She walked across the apartment to the bedroom not wanting anything to do with him at the moment and letting him alone to himself and his stressful bills as he calls them feeling guilty that she let him put them in this position... maybe she would have been better off on the streets...

She picked up their bedroom making the bed and picking up the clothes off the floor sorting them getting them ready to take over to Addison's later to start laundry since they didnt have a washer and dryer yet...

She felt her frustrations grow by the second as she finished her task in the bedroom and felt her stomach starting to growl looking at the time seeing it was close to lunch time and the repair man was most likely hungry as well and she was being a bad hostess...

She walked out of the bedroom avoiding eye contact with Derek... he watched as she walked past him without even acknowledging his presence and felt guilty again for talking to her like he did.. it wasn't her fault...

She opened the refrigerator with a bang as the door hit the wall shaking the glass bottles in it.. she reached in grabbed a few things and walked to the counter... she banged the mayonnaise on the counter and dropped the other items making a loud mess of things as she attempted to make a sandwich finishing up by pouring a two glasses of lemonade..

Derek dropped his pencil seeing that she was rather upset making such a ruckus and he rose from his chair walking over to her... he sighed and put his arm around her... she shook it off and slapped his hand away as she shot him a warning look..


She grabbed the plate containing the turkey sandwich and glass of lemonade and turned towards Jerry as he stood up wiping his hands off..

"I thought you might be hungry, so if you can take a break I made you a turkey sandwich."

"Oh." He said looking at her surprised "Why thank you ma'am.. and I'm actually done for the day.. I need to order a part."

"That's perfectly fine, would you like me to wrap it up for you?" she asked politely..

He nodded grateful and she turned around shooting Derek a death glare avoiding his apologetic look as she grabbed a sandwich bag and slipped it in..

Jerry finished putting his tools away and stood up as Meredith handed him the sandwich and he looked at Derek standing behind her and smiled...

"You are a lucky man sir, your wife is very sweet and hospitable." He said sweetly.. Meredith's eyes grew wide as she gasped..

"Oh, I'm not-" she started to say when Derek cut her off..

"Thank you." He said as he wrapped an arm around her and smiled "Its one of the things I love about her."

Meredith stood there numb as to what to do as Jerry smiled and left the apartment... as soon as the door shut Meredith remembered she was still mad at him and turned shoving him off of her watching as he collided with the sink and turned rushing off to the bathroom locking herself in..

"Mer!" he called out "I'm SORRY!"

"You certainly will be later tonight hubby!" she yelled out before starting the shower...

Derek tried to keep his composure but he couldn't help but laugh.. it was so hard to take her serious when she was mad.. especially when she yelled, when her little Bostonian accent that he loved so much came seeping through her vocabulary...

As irritating as she made him he couldn't love her more... now he just had to figure out how to make it up to her before tonight or he would be sleeping alone.

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