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Monday came too soon for the newly weds. It was back to class for both of them, they both went in tired and droopy eyed however due to the all nighter they pulled wanting to soak up every inch of married bliss before reality reared its ugly head again.

They didn't have as many classes together that semester and that day they had none. If being sleep deprived and a little sore from weekend long sex wasn't bad enough Derek felt a small ache in his heart from not seeing his new bride since they kissed goodbye this morning when getting out of their car.

When the day slowly and painfully ended and he headed back to his apartment knowing Meredith was already there since her class had ended early.. he couldn't wait to go back to their little bubble.

He smiled as he got to his floor and headed down the hallway towards his door. The closer he got though the more he scrunched up his nose wondering what the hell that smell was, and not feeling any better that the closer he got to his door the stronger it got.

He started to get worried when it turned into a somewhat of a burning smell and opened the door to his apartment to see the air inside filled with a light layer of smoke and frowned as he looked over and was shocked to see Meredith in the kitchen standing over the stove, looking as he thought she would.. frustrated.

"Hi." He said as he walked over to her and looked inside the pot of some gooey substance that she was stirring "Whatcha doin?"

"I'm cooking dinner." She sighed "Or trying to anyway."

"But you don't cook." He frowned.. she looked at him rolling her eyes..

"I know." She mumbled "But I wanted to cook for you."

"Why?" he frowned "You don't cook."

"I know I don't cook." She glared "But I'm a wife now."

"Baby, we've been living together for three and a half years and you've never cooked a meal, so why does that have to change anything."

"Because." She sighed "I wanted to cook something for you, I wanted to be a good wife, and do something special for when you came home.. surprise you."

"Oh." He smiled "Well I'm definitely... surprised." He almost started to laugh but saw the vulnerable look in her eyes he let out a sigh and leaned in softly kissing her on the forehead "It looks good."

"Really?" she asked, her eyes near tears..

"Yes." He smiled before turning to put his stuff away he slightly cringed to himself, not wanting to hurt her feelings and hoping that it didn't hurt his stomach either.

She finally put dinner on the table making a plate for both of them and sat down together... Derek wasn't sure exactly what it was but he didn't want to ask either.. he just faked a smile as he looked across the table at her and they started dinner.

"So how is it?" she asked watching him take his first bite..

He felt his eyes water as the taste of charcoal and overly salted food sloshed around in his mouth and fought the first bite down before painting a smile on..

"It's good." He choked out..

"Good." She said a little uncertain still but hoping that he really did like it.. they took a few more bites and Derek tried to force more down but started to cough, trying not to gag.. she looked at him worried from across the table "What's wrong? Is it bad?"

"No." he said shaking his head taking a large gulp of water and cleared his throat "It just went down the wrong pipe is all."

"Are you sure?" she asked "You're not lying to me."

"No." he smiled "I love it."

"Really." She said dropping her fork on her plate and letting out a big sigh "Because to me it tastes like shit."

Derek looked at her and tilted his head letting out a sigh as he watched the tears starting to sting her eyes as she pressed her lips together angrily..


"Its fine." She sniffled out "I just... I know I don't cook, but I never thought I would be in love much less have all this and you and be married and I wanted to do something good, and normal, and special for once.. but just like everything in my life it turns out as a disaster!"

She sniffled again as she stood up and grabbed her plate as well as his and started to leave the table ready to toss her ambitions down the drain when he grabbed his plate and pulled it back down.

"I'm eating that." He said with a frown..

"Oh cut the act Derek I know you don't want to eat it."

"I do." He said softly "In fact I'd even love some more if there's enough for seconds."

"What." She said almost gasping as she looked at him to see if he was kidding or not but only saw a soft smile in his eyes "Seriously."

"Seriously." He smiled "You made me dinner. And no, its not something a five star gourmet chef would have made. But its something my wife made for me, and its special, and I'm going to eat it, because it was made out of love, and I love you."

"Derek." She said shaking her head..

"Sit." He said taking his plate out of her hands and then scooped more of the food out of the dish and put it on his plate and smiled as he took another bite.

His insides were screaming at him for mercy and he knew that he would most likely regret it being up all night with indigestion but he put on a smile and ate it watching as a smile spread across her face and that.. made every bite worth it.

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