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Before they knew it life was quickly taking over and they were at the end of the line, less than a year away from getting their medical degree and they had worked so hard there was no sense in giving up now.

They were very busy, hardly being able to see much if each other now that they were doing their clinicalships at University of Washington Medical Center as well as starting to apply to internships around the area and some in other states just to be sure. They really wanted to get in at Seattle Grace, but they were more hopeful of just being in the same program.

As fate would have it, they ended up having different schedules for their clinicalships.. Meredith had the easy shift of doing it during the day and then attending her other classes at night..

Derek had to do day classes and then the clinicalship at night, making it even harder for them to see each other.. they were very grateful when the weekends came and did it mostly just relaxing at home, not wanting to do anything other than spend time with each other. Doing their best to keep up their relationship and not let the stresses of medical school get them down.

Before they knew it their first wedding anniversary was on them and it happened to be on a Monday.. meaning that when Derek woke up that morning Meredith had already gone for the day and must have been in too much of a hurry to wake him or write a note.. or.. maybe she had just forgot. He sighed knowing that it would be most likely after midnight before he saw her again and felt a knot tighten in his stomach...

Sure enough the day had gone by and he hadn't seen Meredith at all.. He tried calling her a few times hoping to catch her but only got her voice mail instead.. he couldn't be too upset, he was going through just as much as she was and knew that she was busy but still he missed her and today was special and only wanted to spend it with her..

Derek was dragging down the hospital hallway headed towards the nurses desk to start on his charting assignment wondering where the rest of his classmates had gone, sure that they would have gone to find an empty on call room bed seeing as it was nearly midnight.. he started to sit down when his pager started to go off..

He grumbled when he looked down at it and saw that it was to the roof.. he felt a jump of excitement never having gone through that yet and wondering why they were paging him to it but decided to save the questions for his professor later and just go for it.. he rushed to the stairwell and up the seven flights of stairs bursting through the doors and onto the roof with a rush of adrenaline surging through his body..

He was out of breath and ready for action when he stopped noticing there was no one up there.. not even a chopper.. he frowned until his eyes finally settled on a small set up with a blanket, a basket and the most beautiful girl in the world sitting in the middle of it smiling at him..

"You didn't think I forgot did you?" she asked.. he felt a smile spread across his face as he walked towards her..

"That's what I get for thinking." He replied.. she let out a giggle as he sat down next to her placing a soft kiss on her lips and let out a relieved sigh "I miss you."

"I miss you too." She smiled... "But we're almost done.. and I made cake."

"You made cake?" he smiled..

"I did." She smiled "And its good.. I already tried it out." She giggled.. she failed to tell him that all she had to do was add water to it and make sure not to burn it.. he smiled as she pulled out the homemade cake with a single candle on it.. she pulled a lighter out of the basket as well and lit the candle and smiled "Lets wish for many more candles."

"Sounds good to me." He smiled.. they both blew out the candle together.. she handed him a fork and they both started eating out of the dish...

"So how has your day gone so far?" she asked as they finished up..

"Depressing." He replied and then looked at her "But its starting to get better now."

"Good." She smiled..

They laid back onto the blanket and she laid her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and they looked up at the stars shining above them... he ran his hand up and down her back and took in a deep breath..

"You are my sunshine." He started to sing out softly causing a giggle to erupt from her "My only sunshine.. you make me happy.. when skies are gray." She started to laugh harder making it hard for him not to "You'll never know dear.. hoe much I love you.." his little serenade was interrupted by the loud chirping of his pager and they both laid there not wanting to move as their giggling died... Meredith closed her eyes and whispered out..

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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