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Six months passed and with Meredith as the new Entertainment Assistant the club's revenue and business took off like wildfire... her ideas and plans all came out on top and Derek couldn't be more pleased with the decision... he was even happier that he didn't have to watch her take off her clothes for other men...

He convinced her to live with him, not hat he had to beg too much... they were happy and in love, nothing seemed to possibly go wrong... he decided to take her out to dinner for their 6 month anniversary to a top New York restaurant and a night on the town...

The restaurant was breathtaking, the ivory colored tablecloths, the wait staff in tuxedo's, the antique crystal chandeliers hanging from the tall ceiling.. it was a red carpet restaurant for sure.. something Meredith hadn't ever experienced before...

Derek however couldn't keep his eyes off of his breathtaking date... she was wearing an black 50's style evening dress with an open back that fell just below her knees.. her hair was swept up in a loose french twist with a few strands dangling down to frame her gorgeous green eyes....

"You look stunning my love." He breathed out from across the table... she smiled feeling her cheeks flush slightly...

"Derek this is amazing." She gasped...

"You are amazing." He smiled seductively... "Especially in that dress."

"Oh would you stop thinking with your penis for once." She said with an eye roll..

"I cant help it." He smiled sheepishly "Its you, in that dress.. its screaming 'take me off'."

"Lower your voice." She hissed seeing a few eyes darting their way "Or nothing is coming off my body tonight!"

"Yes ma'am." He replied falling into line..

She always seemed to have him wrapped around her little finger, he would never tell her but he kind of liked it, especially when her sexy Bostonian accent came out when she got worked up.. calm down Derek, calm down...

"If the waiter comes I just want some water, and maybe a glass of pinot... I'll be in the ladies room." She said rising from her seat...

"Don't be gone too long, I'll miss my beautiful view." He replied...

She smiled as her cheeks flushed again and she leaned into his ear and whispered...

"Now that kind of talk will be sure to get you laid." ... he let out a chuckle and shook his head as she scurried off to the bathroom...

Meredith hurried in the bathroom, she tried freshening up a bit feeling a little out of place as women of high class buzzed in and out of the restroom giving her a curious stare... but she was a new person and she was determined to forget her past, and move in with her future, and with Derek...

She stepped out of the elegant ladies room and almost collided with a large broad chest.. she backed away smelling the fumes of heavy alcohol to see a tall large dark haired man...

"I'm sorry, please excuse me." She said brushing past him...

He reached out and grabbed her wrist keeping her at bay...

"Wait a minute." He said slurring his words... "You look familiar."

Meredith's eyes widened and fear shot through her...

"I don't know what you're talking about." She gasped as she tried to pull from his grip...

"Hey." He said pulling her into him "I know you're that girl from the club."

"I... no.. you must have me mistaken with someone else." She replied trying to break from his grip but he held on tighter...

"Maybe." He said as he turned her pinning her against the wall "Or maybe I'd recognize you better with your clothes off."

"No." she whimpered as she cringed feeling his hot alcoholic breath on her neck..

His hands starting to pull at her dress as she tried to push him off of her... she was about to give in when she felt his body suddenly lift off of hers...

"Back the fuck off." she heard growling in a familiar voice and opened her eyes to see Derek in between her and the man, holding him at arms length...

"Hey man you can have your turn too." He smirked...

Derek felt a fiery rage surge through his body and he shoved the man against the wall gripping his hands around his neck as he looked at him with a cold glare...

"Maybe your drunken mind didn't hear me... I said BACK THE FUCK OFF!" he hissed....

It was either common sense or fear that kicked in, the man in Derek's grip gave him a fearful nod before wiggling free and stumbling off to his party... he turned to see a frightened Meredith leaning against the wall shaking... he closed the distance quickly and wrapped his arms around her...

"Are you ok?" he whispered placing a kiss on her temple..

"Yeah." She whispered back "Can we go?" she asked still shaking... he put his arm around her protectively and nodded..

"Yeah, we can go." He replied... she leaned her head against his shoulder feeling him pull her tiny body closer to his and whispered...

"I love you." ... he smiled and kissed the top if her head and whispered back...

"I love you more."

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