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"Meredith!" he called out as he walked into his apartment a month and several applications later... "Meredith where are you!"

"I'm right here and what the hell are you screaming for!" she called out walking out of the bathroom with a scowl on her face... she looked over to see him grinning holding a bottle of champagne and two white envelopes... "What is it?"

"Here, see for yourself." He said as he handed her an envelope...

She took it studying the front of it... the return address said it was from the University of Washington, it had her name on it.. her heart skipped a beat as she swallowed the lump in her throat and turned it over ripping the seal..

She pulled the folded paper out and her eyes scanned the letters typed out on the page... she felt her breath quicken and her pulse race as she read it over again in disbelief...

"Oh my god." She whispered...

"I know." He grinned...

"Oh my god!" she frowned looking up at him in disbelief "How!?"

"What?" he asked his face dropping as a surge of fear passed over him "Did you not get in cause I was sure you did."

"No." she said shaking her head "I did, I just... I don't know how!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and tilted his head as he stepped over to her and sat the bottle and his letter on the table and lifted her chin with his finger as he looked into her eyes...

"You deserve it is how... you may not believe in yourself, but I do... and apparently they do too." He said softly... she felt tears sting her eyes and shook her head...

"I just... I cant believe I got in at all... much less that we got in together." He said hearing her voice crack...

"We did it Mer, we're living our dream... its really happening." He said as he wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed the top of her head... she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply taking in his sweet musky scent...

"Together." She whispered "We're doing it together."

He smiled mischievously and picked her up setting her on the table and raised his eye brows flirtatiously as he whispered in a deep voice...

"I think we should celebrate together too."

She let out a loud wail of laughter which turned soon into moans as his lips started feeding hungrily on her skin.

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