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Meredith felt a high as she walked out of the scrub room after a successful 4 hour surgery.. she rolled out the muscles in her neck and smiled as she placed the chart at the nurses station for Mark and felt her stomach jump remembering Emily and excited to get back to her baby girl.. she knew that she might have overreacted a little that morning but she just had a feeling, and she felt like no one could protect her like she could..

She knew Derek would be covering the pit so she hurried down there, only to find him laughing with another intern as they sifted through charts readying themselves fro the next patient, no baby anywhere in sight.. she cocked her jaw and crossed her arms over her chest as she walked up to him.. he glanced up and did a double take seeing it was her as his face fell with sudden fear..

"Where is my baby?" I muttered out..

"Meredith." I stuttered out like he always did when he was getting ready to explain something she wouldn't like..

"No." she growled "You don't get to Meredith me, you ripped my baby out of my arms this morning with the promise you were going to take care of her for me and yet." She glared as she looked around "She's not here!"

"I'm sorry." He said softly "I just had a lot of work to do and she was getting in the way.. but she's safe."

"Where is she?"

"Umm.. the... nursery." He mumbled out barely whispering the last part.. her eyes grew wide as her mouth dropped open..

"That WHAT!?" she yelped "The nursery is not safe Derek.. I thought I established that this very morning!"

"Meredith, I checked it myself and it looked fine."

"It is not fine."

"It is fine, I checked thoroughly, got out my white gloves and ultraviolet light and all."

"You're mocking me." She glared... he sighed and put his hands softly on her shoulders and smiled..

"My love." He said softly "You, are an amazing mother.. honestly the best mother I have ever seen and nothing more could I ask for the mother of my children.. but darling you chose to be a doctor, and you cant take your daughter to work every day.. it wont work as much as you want to be close to her.. so you're going to have to trust other people with her, good people.. in order to do the things you dreamed about... I love you and you're a wonderful mommy but honey you have to let her go a little."

"I know." She whispered out as tears filled her eyes "I just.. she's my baby."

"I know." He says softly as he pulls her into his chest and holds her tightly running his hand up and down her back for comfort.. she sniffled a little as she rested her head against his shoulder and sighed..

"You sure the nursery is ok?" she asked..

"I'm sure." He smiled "Its germ free."

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