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The months flew by and many passed tests later they found themselves at the end of their first semester and were studying for the grueling finals..

They sat in the large library full of other studying students... thinking it would have the least of distractions and they were both needing all the help they could get in microbiology..

Meredith let out a growl as she pinched the sides of her forehead together in frustration...

"Come on Mer, you know this." He whispered out his encouragement...

"God." Meredith groaned "This is why they tell you to keep your brain off drugs!"

"Sh-sh-sh." He hushed trying to not laugh as he scanned the faces that popped up to glare at them...

he leaned in and softly caressed his hand up and down her thigh.. slowly moving up her skirt as he whispered "You know this."

He leaned in brushing his lips against her ear and grabbed hold of it as he started to suck and moved his hand further up her thigh...

She let out a silent gasp as she leaned into him and her mind went fuzzy.. she felt his hand moving up almost reaching her hot center when something hit her.. and she gasped as she popped up..

"Rhinosporadium!" she yelped, causing a few heads to turn her way but she ignored the glare as she smiled happy with herself..

"See." He smiled proudly "I knew that you knew it.. you just needed to stop thinking so hard."

"I suppose you're right." She giggled as she went back to her text book...

Derek felt his pants still a bit tight and looked around the room and then back at her as he leaned into her..

"Hey, why don't we finish studying at home." He whispered...

"Baby, I don't want to stop now, I'm on a roll now." She said shrugging him off

"You know I can get you on a roll at home too." He smirked..

"Seriously, please I don't want to break my concentration." She pleaded...

Derek sighed and sat back in his chair thinking of how he could get her convinced... he moved his hand under the table and grabbed at the hem of her skirt trying to sneak his hand underneath it...

"Or we can just forget about later, and you can go in the bathroom and take care of your problem with Rosy Palm and her 5 lady friends." She snapped out..

He straightened up and returned his hand from under the table and cleared his throat..

"I'm good."

Derek looked at her soaking the sight of her in, even sitting here frustrated as hell with hair falling down in her face she looked absolutely beautiful to him... and her feisty attitude that always kept him in line.. made him love her more.

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