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The yard was full of chaos, little kids running around playing, parents trying to keep them a safe distance from the pond. The warm early summer sun was beating down on everyone warming the air letting off a sweet smell of budding flowers and  fresh grass..

Derek weaved through the crowd of people making his way up the steps letting out a laugh at one of the kids as he stepped into the house heading towards the upstairs for a clean shirt after spilling punch all over his when he stopped hearing a soft sniffle.

He stood there for a second making sure before he turned and walked into the kitchen where the sound was coming from.. he felt his heart break watching her standing there with tears running down her face as she spread chocolate frosting over the cupcakes.. he walked over to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and placed a soft kiss on her temple..

"She's not turning 18 Mer, we have a few more years before she's out of the house."

"I know." She sniffled out "But she's one Derek.. my little tiny baby girl is.. she's one... where did the time go?"

"I don't know." He whispered as he turned her in his arms "But I know that I love you, I know that you're a wonderful mother to her, and that this year was just the first of many.. look at us Mer.. just look at us."

"I know." She said in a whimper with tears still filling her eyes "Our life is amazing and I couldn't ask for more.. I mean seriously if someone told me five years ago that I would be a surgical intern at a top west coast hospital, here standing in the kitchen of our dream house with you, icing the cupcakes for our daughter's first birthday I would probably laugh my ass off and ask them what they were smoking and could I have some too."

"Funny." He chuckled..

"My point is.. I'm not sad.. I'm just.. I couldn't have asked for more and I couldn't do it without you by my side."

"I couldn't do any of this without you either.. you gave me so much to live for.. and I just want to give it back.. I love you so much, and we're going to have a lot more birthdays to cry over."

"I hope so." She giggles.. "Because I don't think anyone else will come in here and wipe my tears away for me."

"They would." He smiled as he cupped her face and wiped the trail of tears with his thumbs placing a soft kiss on her nose "I just fought them off first."

"Right." She giggled.. "So what next?" she asked letting out a sigh.. he smiled and pulled her in to lay her head on his chest and held her close before kissing her softly on the top of her head he whispered out..

"I don't know.. but I know I want it to be with you."

The end

❗️Disclaimer ❗️
I didn't write this story all credits goes to "tinyineffectualfists" from the board "Ga On Call Room" site tapatalk.
Published 2008

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