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Meredith felt a smile grow across her lips as she started putting her things from her vanity in a box... the fact that she wouldn't have to take her clothes off to make a living and have horny men grabbing at her and fantasizing about her...

She was a little hesitant, not sure if Derek was serious... if his feelings were real about her... but after the past week... if he could watch her and help her through that and still love her... then she had no reason to doubt him... she let out a sigh feeling a bubble around her that couldn't possible be popped...

"I knew it wouldn't last."

She heard behind her in a bitter voice... she stopped and turned around to see Mimi behind her crossing her arms...

"Excuse me?"

"I knew it wouldn't last, I knew that he would throw you out on your ass soon enough... men like him only want one thing from women like you... you were just kidding yourself thinking anything else would become of it." She replied...

Meredith stood there unresponsive and they heard a loud clearing of the throat and turned around to see Derek standing in the doorway crossing his arms...

"You ready to go?" he asked Meredith... she nodded and he turned his eyes to Mimi "I don't believe you've met... my new assistant."

Her mouth dropped open as she gasped to herself...

"But, but... I thought Terry was your assistant?" she asked...

"Terry is the club assistant." He replied "Meredith is the new entertainment assistant... oh.." he smirked "I guess that would make her your new boss." He walked over to Meredith and placed his arm around her tiny waist and smiled "She's also my girlfriend." Mimi's jaw dropped open in shock and embarrassment... she turned quickly and fled the room... Meredith looked up at him with a slight smirk crossing her lips... "You ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" she asked...

He turned wrapping both hands around her waist and she slipped hers around his neck looking up into his eyes getting lost in the sea of blue...

"My new girlfriend's wardrobe has been burned, and as much as I would love to see you walk around all day in lingerie... I'm thinking you're going to need real clothes for your new job." He replied placing a soft kiss on her lips...

"I see." She said softly lingering her lips against his... "But there is a problem." She said pulling back...

"Problem?" he asked wrinkling his brow..

"That would be that I haven't started my new job yet and I don't have any money."

"Oh." He smiled "I think I've got that well covered."

"That is a very boyfriend thing to do." She smiled...

He leaned in brushing his lips against her nipping at them and running his tongue across them teasing its way into her mouth as he lightly sucked on her upper lip... he smiled and looked down into her eyes and whispered..

"Get used to it."

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