Chapter Two

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"Thank you," I said to the cab driver as he pulled away from Matt's apartment. "Can you take me to The Sheldrake, off of Huntington?" I asked still reeling from my discovery that our entire relationship was sparked by a lie. The cabbie put on the meter and turned toward my appointed destination. I pulled out my phone and dialed Carson Sayer's cell. Carson, my former dance partner and gay husband, loved to take care of me and I needed him tonight after my sudden heartbreak.

He answered after a few rings. "Hi, Perlz. What's going on, sweetie?"

"Carse, I need you. Are you home?" I uttered the question quickly.

"Love, you don't sound so good. What's wrong?"

"I'll explain when I get there. Can I come over?"

"Of course, Turner's away on business, so I'll be the only one to take care of you."

"Thank you. I'll be there in ten."

When I hung up, my smartphone rang. Matt's picture popped on the screen. I pressed ignore. The phone rang twice more, and each time I ignored his calls. I decided not to turn off the phone, focusing on arriving at my destination before I closed myself off from the world. The phone signaled a text.

"What could he possibly have to say to me?" I whispered the query.

Matt: Please, let's work through this. I love you. I could never fake it. I'm coming over to your place.

I decided to respond, sparing my neighbors the harassment.

Me: Nothing to work out. I'm not going home. No need to come after me ever. I'm done. DONE!

Matt: I'll give you some space. In time, I'll show you how sorry I am for deceiving you. I do love you. Everything we experienced physically and emotionally was as real for me as it was for you.

Me: I don't know if it was real. You lied. It has always been about Pentagon. I was a casualty of war. Please consider the "space" to be forever. Quit the gym. Lose my number. Forget my address. I want you out of my life. If I truly meant ANYTHING to you, LET ME GO!

The last text must have made a difference because he didn't respond. I couldn't tell what was more painful, the Pentagon revelation or the fact he didn't continue to fight for me once I walked away.

Men will quit the chase when projectiles are being hurled at them, I reasoned with myself.

I was launching the largest and heaviest missiles because I was in pain. I took a huge breath. The pain in my chest made it hard to fill my lungs. My throat tightened, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Suppressing my body's initial instinct to scream and sob until I passed out, I covered my mouth with both hands.

The cab approached the front entrance of Carson's apartment building and pulled over to let me out. I paid the fare and exited, running up to the front door of the Sheldrake, a gorgeous building in the bustling college area. The doorman opened the door and I walked toward the security desk. I gave my name and signed the digital log. I pressed the elevator for Carson's floor. I wrapped my arms around myself while holding my body up against the wall. I could feel my strength unraveling. When the elevator stopped at Carson's floor, I walked swiftly to his front door and knocked.

Within seconds, Carson opened the door and I fell upon his chest, tears gushing from my eyes. Carson promptly brought me inside. He sat us on the couch. He didn't speak. I didn't utter any intelligible words. He reclined us and held me close to him. He let me cry until the sobs were so ragged he was concerned I would faint. When my crying jag slowed to a stop, I composed myself. Needing a deep breath, I lifted off of his chest. I saw the large wet spot on his t-shirt from my tears, snot, and drool. I touched his chest.

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now