Chapter Five

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On Sunday, I got up early and dressed comfortably in my workout clothes. When Carson arrived, he called my cell phone, and I bounded down the stairs to meet him. I was so busy with the thought of helping him with the dance program I refused to allow myself any thoughts of Matt. I didn't want my heartache to take away from the volunteer work. Carson was committed to teaching, and at one time, we discussed teaching together. Carson and I were dance partners for three semesters. I'd given up dancing at the Conservatory when I couldn't keep myself injury free, and I was tired of working so hard to keep my weight down.

I figured a better life would be to work in business. When I decided to stop dancing, I traveled to Vegas for a few of months to make fast money for tuition. My transcripts wouldn't transfer to the local community college without paying off the remainder of the Conservatory's tuition. I made enough to pay off my final tuition bill and the first year of business school. Despite leaving the Conservatory, Carson and I tried to maintain our friendship. We reconnected when I separated from my ex-husband. Carson remained the most amazing friend.

"Hi, Love," Carson said when I entered the fifteen-passenger van. "Everyone, meet Perla. Perla, meet everyone." I looked in the back and said hello, waving at the student dancers, and making eye contact with a few. "I told them everything about you. And I'll have you know these are the best of the best students and committed to bringing the arts to the underserved and underrepresented. You'll get to know them today," he informed.

They looked so young and eager. I was happy to see their cheery, enthusiastic faces, and tried to remain positive for them. "

I need this.

I couldn't stay home for one more second, but I couldn't be at work. Duration was where everything between Matt and I had begun. Well, at least where I thought everything started. There were too many memories of Matt. Everywhere I looked, I'd be reminded of him. I hated feeling like I'd never escape him. I experienced the same with Ben. There were so many memories to overcome. I couldn't even spend time with friends because we shared years of the same friends, same places, and love of the same things.

Although my time with Matt was short and we didn't gather a lot of memories with other people, places, and things, he had loomed large. He would be everywhere. Pentagon made sure of it.

"Are you alright, love?"

I smiled at him with sincerity. "I am. Now, that I'm with you. Thanks for letting me tag along," I replied.

"Good. You'll have a great time. These kids are amazing. They're so eager, Perlz. You won't believe how much they know and how malleable they are. They learn fast."

"When's the performance?"

"Six weeks. We meet with them weekly on Sundays. They practice with their High School teachers during the school days."

"What's the end goal for them? Will they have a chance to audition for the Conservatory?"

"Yes. The performance is a fundraiser for college scholarships for the Lawrence students. We're still trying to get a major donor. We have some donations, but the biggest thing is to market and sell tickets to the performance. There's also a dinner dance afterward. We could use as much money as we can. Do you know any wealthy potential donors?" He raised a brow. I mouthed, 'F-U!" Carson smirked.

We drove in comfortable silence for about forty minutes. The drive took the same route as Matt's mansion. Again, I was faced with his presence. I inhaled.

"Still okay?"

"Yeah." I gripped the back of the seat in front of me. "The exit sign back there leads to Matt's mansion."

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now