Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm sorry. I can't." The mistrust and hurt were still too fresh for me to have sex with Matt. A flurry of negative images flashed before me just when I was about to surrender to our passion. It was like a splash of cold water. A dreadful feeling washed over me, and all I felt was the need to flee. Matt wanted me to take my pleasure, but I couldn't. I attempted to get off of him, but he held me firmly on top of him, bringing me down to his chest.

"Okay, babe. It's okay. I don't want you to feel pressured. Let me take care of you." He turned us to lie on our sides. His erection didn't wane. I felt his strong need for me. His heart raced, and his breathing was ragged. "How about I make us a hot, bubble bath? It will relax you. I'll take care of you." He said as he caressed my body with his strong, large hands, alternating between kneading my flesh and tracing circles on my skin with the pads of his fingers. I felt my body heat and tingle with his touch. He gave me a deep kiss, pulled away, and said, "I'll be right back." 

He sat up and jumped out of bed, jogging to the large master bathroom.

Within a couple of minutes, I heard the water running in the vast tub. The scent of roses wafted into the bedroom. I lay in bed thinking I had made a horrible choice. In the prenuptial negotiations, I'd asked for abstinence. Matt had agreed, but in the car, he reasoned we hadn't signed the prenup and we would adhere to my request once we both signed. I desperately wanted him. However, once he was before me, willing and able, I couldn't get past his role in destroying my life.

After a long while, the water stopped running. Matt returned to the bedroom and extended his hand to me. I shivered as I looked at his striking, nude body, and resisted running my fingers over his hard, chiseled muscles. His erection was gone, but his cock was still magnificent and impressive in its flaccid state. "Come, baby." I rosp on the bed and scooted to the edge. Matt lowered me down and lifted me easily into his arms. My arms went around his neck to support myself. "I'll take care of you, beautiful." I saw the sincerity in his eyes. He kissed me.

I struggled with the duality of our relationship, knowing he loved me and being deceived and used for hil gain. I was conflicted by my emotions. I hadn't yet worked through my feelings. I was still angry, but couldn't stop feeling immense lust and the need to have him inside me and show me affection. I was desperate for his touch. My skin missed the heat of his body, the prickliness of his chest hair on my breasts, the caress of his arms on the cleavage of my buttocks, and his strong legs laying heavily over mine as we lay in each other's arms.

We entered the bathroom. The lights were dimmed and tea light candles were flickering around the mirrored wall in front of the double sink. Matt had lit larger candles at the back wall of the tub. The entire room glowed like the hotel room where Matt first told me he loved me. The scent was intoxicating, more pronounced, but not overwhelming. All that was needed was romantic music, to complete the sensual ambiance he had created.

Matt placed me on the tub's edge and I swung my legs over the side to enter the sensual bubble bath. As soon as I submerged into the fragrant water, I felt myself relax. All of my reticence seeped away as I watched him press buttons on the remote control. Soft instrumental music was piped into the room. I couldn't help but leer as he walked to the edge of the tub.

"I love the way you look at me," he said. My eyes roamed upwards to make eye contact. Matt swung a leg inside and entered the tub to be with me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You look at me like you want to devour me . . . and I like it." He said. I looked away, embarrassed by his observation. He wasn't wrong. I was biting my lip as I appreciated every inch of his body. "It's my favorite thing about you," he said, flashing his best smile.

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now